
Alain Strowel - Biography#

Alain Strowel is a professor at the Saint-Louis University in Brussels and teaches in various LLM programs (University of Liège, Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel, Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre, Maastricht University).

Alain’s courses cover copyright, design and media law, as well as the interface between IP and competition.

Belgian avocat since 1988, he works as Of Counsel in the Brussels office of Covington & Burling LLP where he focuses on digital copyright and trademark issues. He is a panelist for the WIPO and “.be” domain name resolution procedures.

Alain is member of various associations specialised on intellectual property law (ALAI (Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale), ATRIP (Association for the Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property), LES (Licensing Executives Society International), EPLAW (European Patent Lawyers Association)).

For the last 20 years, he has authored numerous articles and a few books, including Droit d'auteur et copyright (LGDJ/Bruylant, 1993) and, with Estelle Derclaye, Droit d'auteur et numérique (Bruylant, 2001 which has been quoted in several opinions of the Advocate General before the Court of Justice of the EU). He has edited various books among which: Of Authors and Origins (with Brad Sherman, Clarendon Press, 1994), Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and Secondary Liability in Copyright Law (Edward Elgar, 2009).

Together with a few other colleagues with a law and economics background, he animates a blog on IP and IT issues which offers an online tool to teach students in an interactive way (see: http://www.ipdigit.eu) .

For an online list of publications: see http://www.ipdigit.eu/about/alain-strowel/publications.
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