Walter Sermeus - Publications#
More than 300 peer reviewed research papers, published in internationally peer reviewed journals, resulting in an h-index of 31 (WoS) (Jan 2019). See

Selected key-publications:
Aiken LH, Sermeus W, Van den Heede K, Sloane DM, Busse R, McKee M, Bruyneel L, Rafferty AM, Griffiths P, Moreno-Casbas MT, Tishelman C, Scott A, Brzostek T, Kinnunen J, Schwendimann R, Heinen M, Zikos D, Sjetne IS, Smith HL, Kutney-Lee A. (2012) Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States. BMJ. (IF: 17.215)
Aiken LH, Sloane DM, Bruyneel L, Van den Heede K, Griffiths P, Busse R, Diomidous M, Kinnunen J, Kózka M, Lesaffre E, McHugh MD, Moreno-Casbas MT, Rafferty AM, Schwendimann R, Scott PA, Tishelman C, van Achterberg T, Sermeus W (2014) Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study, The Lancet 26 February, (IF: 45.217)
Barbieri A, Vanhaecht K, Van Herck P, Sermeus W, Faggiano F, Marchisio S, Panella M. (2009) Effects of clinical pathways in the joint replacement: a meta-analysis. BMC Med. Jul 1;7:32. (IF: 8.26)
Deneckere S, Euwema M, Lodewijckx C, Panella M, Mutsvari T, Sermeus W, Vanhaecht K. (2012) Better Interprofessional Teamwork, Higher Level of Organized Care, and Lower Risk of Burnout in Acute Health Care Teams Using Care Pathways: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Med Care. Nov 3. (IF: 3.227)
Kroezen M, Dussault G, Craveiro I, Dieleman M, Jansen C, Buchan J, Barriball L, Rafferty AM, Bremner J, Sermeus W. (2015) Recruitment and retention of health professionals across Europe: A literature review and multiple case study research. Health Policy. Aug 20 (IF: 2.035)
Sermeus W, Aiken LH, Van den Heede K, Rafferty AM, Griffiths P, Moreno-Casbas MT, Busse R, Lindqvist R, Scott AP, Bruyneel L, Brzostek T, Kinnunen J, Schubert M, Schoonhoven L, Zikos D. (2011), RN4CAST consortium. Nurse forecasting in Europe (RN4CAST): Rationale, design and methodology. BMC Nurs. Apr 18;10:6 (IF: 1.78)
Sermeus, W., Delesie, L., Van den Heede, K., Diya, L., Lesaffre, E. (2008). Measuring the intensity of nursing care: Making use of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45 (7), 1011-1021 (IF: 2.31)
Van den Heede, K., Sermeus, W., Diya, L., Lesaffre, E., Vleugels, A. (2006). Adverse outcomes in Belgian acute hospitals: retrospective analysis of the national hospital discharge dataset. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 18 (3), 211-219. (IF: 1.87)
Van Herck P, De Smedt D, Annemans L, Remmen R, Rosenthal MB, Sermeus W. (2010), Systematic review: Effects, design choices, and context of pay-for-performance in health care. BMC Health Serv Res. Aug 23;10:247 (IF: 1.721)