Manfred Schartl - Selected Publications#
Herpin A and Schartl M, Plasticity of gene-regulatory networks controlling sex determination: of masters, slaves, usual suspects, newcomers, and usurpators. EMBO Rep, 16, 1260-74, 2015
Kunz M, Löffler-Wirth H, Dannemann M, Willscher E, Doose G, Kelso J, Kottek T, Nickel B, Hopp L, Landsberg J, Hoffmann S, Tüting T, Zigrino P, Mauch C, Utikal J, Ziemer M, Schulze HJ, Hölzel M, Roesch A, Kneitz S, Meierjohann S, Bosserhoff A, Binder H, Schartl M. RNA-seq analysis identifies different transcriptomic types and developmental trajectories of primary melanomas. Oncogene 37, 6136-6151, 2018
Schartl M, Schories S, Wakamatsu Y, Nagao Y, Hashimoto H, Bertin C, Mourot B, Schmidt C, Wilhelm D, Centanin L, Guiguen Y, and Herpin A, Sox5 is involved in germ-cell regulation and sex determination in medaka following co-option of nested transposable elements. BMC Biology 16, 16, 2018
Warren WC, Garcia-Perez R, Xu S, Lampert KP, Chalopin D, Stock M, Loewe L, Lu Y, Kuderna L, Minx P, Montague MJ, Tomlinson C, Hillier LW, Murphy DN, Wang J, Wang Z, Garcia CM, Thomas GCW, Volff JN, Farias F, Aken B, Walter RB, Pruitt KD, Marques-Bonet T, Hahn MW, Kneitz S, Lynch M, and Schartl M, Clonal polymorphism and high heterozygosity in the celibate genome of the Amazon molly. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 669-679, 2018
Franchini P, Jones JC, Xiong PW, Kneitz S, Gompert Z, Warren WC, Walter RB, Meyer A, and Schartl M, Long-term experimental hybridisation results in the evolution of a new sex chromosome in swordtail fish. Nature Communications, 9, 2018
Herpin A, Schmidt C, Kneitz S, Gobe C, Regensburger M, Le Cam A, Montfort J, Adolfi MC, Lillesaar C, Wilhelm D, Kraeussling M, Mourot B, Porcon B, Pannetier M, Pailhoux E, Ettwiller L, Dolle D, Guiguen Y, and Schartl M, A novel evolutionary conserved mechanism of RNA stability regulates synexpression of primordial germ cell-specific genes prior to the sex-determination stage in medaka. PLoS Biology 17, e3000185, 2019
Du K, Stöck M, Kneitz S, Klopp C, Woltering JM, Adolfi MC, Feron R, Prokopov D, Makunin A, Kichigin I, Schmidt C, Fischer P, Kuhl H, Wuertz S, Gessner J, Kloas W, Cabau C, Iampietro C, Parrinello H, Tomlinson C, Journot L, Postlethwait JH, Braasch I, Trifonov V, Warren WC, Meyer A, Guiguen Y, Schartl M. The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, 841-852,2020
Powell DL, Garcia M, Keegan M, Reilly P, Du K, Díaz-Loyo AP, Banerjee S, Blakkan D, Reich D, Andolfatto P, Rosenthal GG, Schartl M, Schumer, M. Natural hybridization reveals incompatible alleles that cause melanoma in swordtail fish. Science 368, 731-736, 2020.
Phan QT, Tan WH, Liu R, Sundaram S, Buettner A, Kneitz S, Cheong B, Vyas H, Mathavan S, Schartl M, Winkler C. Cxcl9l and Cxcr3.2 regulate recruitment of osteoclast progenitors to bone matrix in a medaka osteoporosis model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117, 19276-19286, 2020.
Schartl M, Kneitz S, Ormanns J, Schmidt C, Anderson JL, Amores A, Catchen J, Wilson C, Geiger D, Du K, Garcia-Olazábal M, Sudaram C, Winkler C, Hedrich R, Warren WC, Walter R, Meyer A, Postlethwait JH. . The Developmental and Genetic Architecture of the Sexually Selected Male Ornament of Swordtails. Current Biology 31: 911-922, 2021
Meyer A, Schloissnig S, Franchini P, Du K, Woltering JM, Irisarri I, Wong WY, Nowoshilow S, Kneitz S, Kawaguchi A, Fabrizius A, Xiong P, Dechaud C, Spaink HP, Volff JN, Simakov O, Burmester T, Tanaka EM, Schartl M. Giant lungfish genome elucidates the conquest of land by vertebrates. Nature 590, 284-289, 2021