Nikolaus Ritt - Curriculum Vitae#
- 1978-1985: Student of English and German Philology at the University of Vienna
- February 1983: Employed as “Student Assistant” at the English Department of Vienna University
- January 1985: Graduation to Magister Philosophiae (Mag. Phil.)
- 1985/86: Teacher Training at a Viennese Grammar School
- 1985-1990: PhD Course in English Linguistics
- June 1990: Graduation to Doctor Philosophiae (Dr. Phil)
- 1994-2000 Studying evolutionary biology, work on ‘Habilitation Thesis’ on an evolutionary framework for the study of linguistic history
- 2001 Received the Venia Docendi for English Linguistics
- January 2007 Visiting Scholar at the University of Edinburgh
- since 2009 Editor in Chief of Folia Linguistica Historica
- President of the Vienna Linguistic Society (Wiener Sprachgesellschaft)