David Ritchie - Curriculum Vitae#

  • Co-author of over 1200 journal papers and 450 conference presentations on the physics, growth and fabrication of semiconductor structures. Including 66 in Phys. Rev. Lett., 200 in Applied Physics Letters, 179 in Phys. Rev. B, 6 in Science and 7 in Nature, 6 in Nature Physics, 7 in Nature Photonics, 14 in Nature Comm., 2 in Nature Nano., 7 in Scientific Reports. These have h-index of 81 (Web of Science – 33,000 citations) or 99 (Google Scholar – 50,000 citations).
  • Published 236 papers with authors from 55 European institutions with 7,000 citations (400 per year) and an h-index of 41 (web of science). Papers in Nature journals, Science , PRL…, on THz devices/technology, quantum information, electron transport.
  • Head, Semiconductor Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory 2007-. 5 faculty members, typically 10 Postdoctorals and around 20 PhD students. Research income £2.0M per annum.
  • Supervision of 45 PhD students to successful completion, currently supervising 7.
  • Collaborations with numerous Universities and Companies including Toshiba Research Europe Laboratory, TeraView, E2V, GEC Marconi, Thales, NPL , VG Semicon
  • Principal Investigator/Cambridge Lead of research grants totalling £12M during 1993 - 2021.
  • Cambridge lead on 11 European collaborative grants; RAMBOQ, SECOQC, POISE, TERANOVA, TERASEC, NANOEPR, INDEX, NanoSci-ERA, TERACOMB, SOULMAN, e-SI-Amp.
  • Co-investigator of research grants of value £19M to Cambridge 1993 - 2021
  • Regular reviewer of papers for leading journals and European research agencies
  • Chair of sessions at numerous international conferences
  • Programme committees at numerous international conferences
  • Numerous Plenary and invited conference talks
  • Cavendish III Logistics Committee developing the design of the new Cavendish Laboratory 2015-
  • Royal Society University Research Fellowship panel 2016 - 2021.
  • Member NRC Canada Advisory Board 2018 - 2021
  • EPSRC ICT Strategic advisory Team 2020 - present

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