
Daniel Ricquier - Selected publications#

  • RICQUIER D., KADER J.C., Mitochondrial protein alteration in active brown fat. A sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoretic study, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1976) 73, 577-583
  • RICQUIER D., NÉCHAD M., MORY G., Ultrastructural and biochemical characterization of human brown adipose tissue in pheochromocytoma, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1982) 54, 805-807
  • BOUILLAUD F., RICQUIER D., THIBAULT J., WEISSENBACH J., Molecular approach to thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue : cDNA cloning of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1985) 82, 445-448
  • CHAMPIGNY O., RICQUIER D., BLONDEL O., MAYERS R.M., BRISCOE M.G., HOLLOWAY B.R., ß3-adrenoceptor stimulation restores message and expression of brown-fat mitochondrial uncoupling protein in adult dogs, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1991) 88, 10774-10777
  • CASSARD-DOULCIER A.M., GELLY C., FOX N., SCHREMENTI J., RAIMBAULT S., KLAUS S., FOREST C., BOUILLAUD F., RICQUIER D., Tissue-specific and ß-adrenergic regulation of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene - Control by cis-acting elements in the 5'-flanking region, Mol. Endocrinol. (1993) 7: 497-506
  • MIROUX B., FROSSARD V., RAIMBAULT S., RICQUIER D., BOUILLAUD F. The topology of the brown adipose tissue mitochondrial uncoupling protein determined with antibodies against its antigenic sites revealed by a library of fusion proteins, EMBO J. (1993) 12, 3739-3745
  • KRIEF S., LÖNNQVIST F., RAIMBAULT S., BAUDE B., VANSPRONSEN A., ARNER P., STROSBERG A.D., RICQUIER D., EMORINE L.J., Tissue distribution of ß3-adrenergic receptor mRNA in man, J. Clin. Invest. (1993) 91, 344-349
  • CASSARD-DOULCIER A.M., LAROSE M., MATAMALA J.C., CHAMPIGNY O., BOUILLAUD F., RICQUIER D., In vitro interactions between nuclear proteins and uncoupling protein gene promoter reveal several putative trans-activating factors including Ets1, Retinoid X Receptor, Thyroid hormone Receptor and a CACCC box-binding protein. J. Biol. Chem. (1994) 269, 24335-24342
  • BOUILLAUD F., ARECHAGA I., PETIT P.X., LEVI-MEYRUEIS C., CASTEILLA L., LAURENT M., RIAL E., RICQUIER D., A sequence related to a DNA recognition element is essential for the inhibition by nucleotides of the proton transport through the mitochondrial uncoupling protein, EMBO J. (1994) 13, 1990-1997
  • BOUGNÈRES P.F., LE STUNFF C., PECQUEUR C., PINGLIER E., ADNOT P, RICQUIER D., In vivo resistance of lipolysis to epinephrine: a new feature of juvenile obesity. J. Clin. Invest. (1997) 11, 2568-2573
  • FLEURY C., NEVEROVA M., COLLINS S., RAIMBAULT S., CHAMPIGNY O., LEVIMEYRUEIS C., BOUILLAUD F., SELDIN MF, SURWITT RS, RICQUIER D., WARDEN CH., Uncoupling Protein-2 : a new thermogenic protein and a new gene linked to obesity and hyperinsulism, Nature Genetics, (1997) 15, 269-272
  • LALOI M., KLEIN M., RIESMEIER J.W., FLEURY C, BOUILLAUD F., RICQUIER D., A plant cold-induced uncoupling protein, Nature (1997) 389, 135-136
  • SANCHIS D., FLEURY C., CHOMIKI N., GOUBERN M., HUANG Q., NEVEROVA M., GRÉGOIRE F., EASLICK J., RAIMBAULT S., LÉVI-MEYRUEIS C., MIROUX B., COLLINS S., SELDIN M., RICHARD D., WARDEN C., BOUILLAUD F., RICQUIER D., BMCP1, a novel mitochondrial carrier with high expression in the central nervous system of humans and rodents, and respiration uncoupling activity in recombinant yeast, J. Biol. Chem. (1998) 273, 34611-34615
  • ARSENIJEVIC D., ONUMA H., PECQUEUR C., RAIMBAULT S., MANNING B., MIROUX B., GOUBERN M., ALVES-GUERRA M-C., COUPLAN E., SURWIT R., BOUILLAUD F., RICHARD D., COLLINS S. AND RICQUIER D., Mice lacking uncoupling protein-2 survive to Toxoplasma gondii infection. A link with reactive oxygen species production and immunity, Nature Genet. (2000) 26, 435-439
  • TIRABY C, TAVERNIER G, LEFORT C, LARROUY D, BOUILLAUD F, RICQUIER D, LANGIN D., Acquirement of brown fat cell features by human white adipocytes., J Biol Chem. (2003) 278, 33370-33376
  • HAGUENAUER A, RAIMBAULT S, MASSCHELEYN S, GONZALEZ-BARROSO MDEL M, CRISCUOLO F, PLAMONDON J, MIROUX B, RICQUIER D, RICHARD D, BOUILLAUD F, PECQUEUR C., A new renal mitochondrial carrier, KMCP1, is up-regulated during tubular cell regeneration and induction of antioxidant enzymes. J. Biol. Chem. (2005) 280, 22036-22043
  • VOGLER S, PAHNKE J, ROUSSET S, RICQUIER D, MOCH H, MIROUX B, IBRAHIM SM., Uncoupling protein 2 has protective function during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis., Am J Pathol. (2006 ) 168, 1570-5157
  • COPPOLA A, LIU ZW, ANDREWS ZB, PARADIS E, ROY MC, FRIEDMAN JM, RICQUIER D., RICHARD D, HORVATH TL, GAO XB, DIANO S., A central thermogenic-like mechanism in feeding regulation: an interplay between arcuate nucleus T3 and UCP2., Cell Metab. (2007) 5, 21-33
  • EMRE Y., HURTAUD C., KARACA M., NÜBEL T., ZAVALA F., RICQUIER D., Role of uncoupling protein UCP2 in cell-mediated immunity: how macrophagemediated insulitis is accelerated in a model of autoimmune diabetes., Proc Natl Acad Sci-USA, (2007) 104, 19085-19090.
  • GONZALEZ-BARROSO MM, GIURGEA I, BOUILLAUD F, ANEDDA A, BELLANNECHANTELOT C, HUBERT L, DE KEYZER Y, DE LONLAY P, RICQUIER D., Mutations in UCP2 in congenital hyperinsulinism reveal a role for regulation of insulin secretion. PLoS One (2008) e3850.
  • STAVRU F, BOUILLAUD F, SARTORI A, RICQUIER D, COSSART P., Listeria monocytogenes transiently alters mitochondrial dynamics during infection., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2011) 108, 3612-3617.

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