
Ghislain Opdenakker - Curriculum Vitae#


Physician-scientist and professor of immunology at KU Leuven till 2021, former Chair-elect of the Board of Directors of the Rega Institute and presently Professor-Emeritus in service of KU Leuven.

  • June 1974 High School, "College der Kruisheren", Maaseik, Belgium. Classical Humaniora, Latin-Mathematics. Maxima cum laude
  • June June 1981 M.D. Degree, University of Leuven, Belgium. Maxima cum laude
  • June March 1988 Ph.D./ “Aggregaat Hoger Onderwijs”, University of Leuven, Belgium. “Aggregaatsthesis”: Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA). A study on the human t-PA gene and its expression in a human melanoma cell line." (Promotor: Prof. Dr. Alfons Billiau)

Formal University Teaching Functions:

1. Interdisciplinary Seminars in Immunobiology and Molecular Medicine (1992-1998), 3rd year medicine, KU Leuven

2. Third Cycle Course: Tumor Virology (1992 - 1994), KU Leuven

3. Coordinator, Applications in Medical Biotechnology (2nd Master Bio-engineering in cell and gene biotechnology, Dutch course) (1993 - 2021), KU Leuven

4. Molecular Medicine (3rd year medicine), Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek (1993 - 2001)

5. Immunology (2nd Bachelor Dentistry, 3rd Bachelor Medicine, 3rd Master Pharmacy) (1995 - 2014), Leuven and Kortrijk

6. Advanced Course Immunology, (2nd Master In Biomedical Sciences) (2006 - 2021)

7. Advanced Course Glycobiology, (2nd master in Biomedical Sciences) (2009 - 2011)

8. Coordinator Immunology (2nd Bachelor Dentistry) (2014 - 2021) KU Leuven

9. Coordinator Immunology (2nd Bachelor Medicine) (2014-2021) KU Leuven

10. Coordinator Applied Medical Biotechnology (2nd Master Bio-engineering, international course) (2019-2021) KU Leuven

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