
Sæbjørg Walaker Nordeide - Selected Publications#


Nordeide, S.W. & S. Brink (eds), 2013: Sacred sites and holy places: exploring the sacralization of landscape through time and space. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, Vol. 11, Turnhout: Brepols, 281 pp.

Nordeide, S. W. 2011: The Viking Age as a period of religious transformation: the Christianization of Norway from AD 560 - 1150/1200. Studies in Viking and Medieval Scandinavia (VMSS) Vol.2, Turnhout: Brepols, 396 pp. (This book achieved the status of Bestselling book at Amazon when published.)


Nordeide, S. W. in press: Christianization of Norway. In A. Andrén, J.P. Schjødt and J. Lindow (eds): Pre-Christian religion of the North. Vol.4: Christianization. General Indices, Turnhout: Brepols.

Nordeide, S. W. 2016: Introducing Christianity to a challenging environment: the example of Norway. In S. Turner and T. Ó Carragáin (eds): Making Christian landscapes. Cork: Cork University Press, 423-439.

Nordeide, S. W. 2016: Conversion to Christianity in Scandinavia: an historiographical overview, in M. Mhaonaigh, R. Flechner and N. Edwards (eds): From paganism to Christianity in the insular world. Converting the Isles Volume 1 (CELAMA), Turnhout: Brepols.

Nordeide, S. W. 2016: Viking Identity in Romsdal, Norway, as reflected through burial rituals. In V. Turner, O. Owen and D. Waugh (eds): Shetland and the Viking World. Papers of the Seventeenth Viking Congress, Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publications, 167-172.

Nordeide, S. W. 2015: Late Iron Age boat rituals and ritual boats in Norway. In J.H. Barrett and S.J. Gibbon (eds): Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World, The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs 37, pp. 171-181.

Nordeide, S. W. 2015: Papal delegations to the edge of the world. In M. O’Doherty and F. Schmieder (eds): Travels and mobilities in the Middle Ages. From the Atlantic to the Black Sea. International Medieval Research Vol.21. Turnhout: Brepols, 31-53.

Nordeide, S. W. and T. Thun 2013: «Kvart menneske som døyr skal me føra til kyrkja og grava i heilag jord". Kristen gravplass fra middelalderen i Guddal, Fjaler. Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 92, no. 2, 177-201.

Nordeide, S. W. and J. McDonald, 2013: Canonical observance in Norway in the Middle Ages: the observance of dietary regulations. In K. Salonen, K. V. Jensen and T. Jørgensen (eds): Medieval Christianity in the North. New aspects. Acta Scandinavica Vol. 1, Aberdeen Studies in the Scandinavian World, Turnhout: Brepols, 41-66.

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