
Clara Mulder - Selected Publications#

Thomas, M. J., & Mulder, C. H. (2016). Partnership patterns and homeownership: A cross-country comparison of Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Housing Studies, 31(8), 935-963.

Cooke, T. J., Mulder, C. H., & Thomas, M. J. (2016). Union dissolution and migration. Demographic Research, 34, 741-760.

Mulder, C. H., Dewilde, C., Van Duijn, M., & Smits, A. W. M. (2015). The association between parents’ and adult children’s homeownership: A comparative analysis. European Journal of Population, 31, 495-527. doi 10.1007/s10680-015-9351-3 Cit. 0/2 IF 2.6/2.0

Mulder, C.H., & Malmberg, G. (2014). Local ties and family migration. Environment and Planning A, 46(9), 2195-2211. doi 10.1068/a130160p Cit. 1/9 IF 1.5/2.4

Zorlu, A., & Mulder, C. H. (2011). Ethnic differences in leaving home: Timing and pathways. Demography, 48(1), 49-72. doi 10.1007/s13524-010-0012-1. Cit. 17/35 IF 2.8/3.5

Mulder, C. H., & Malmberg, G. (2011). Moving related to separation: Who moves and to what distance. Environment and Planning A, 43(11), 2589-2607. doi 10.1068/a43609 Cit. 9/23 IF 1.5/2.4

Mulder, C. H., & Wagner, M. (2010). Union dissolution and mobility: Who moves from the family home after separation? Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(5), 1263-1273. doi 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010.00763.x Cit.12/29 IF 1.9/3.7

Smits, A. W. M., Mulder, C. H., & Van Gaalen, R. (2010). Parent-child coresidence: Who moves in with whom and for whose needs? Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(4), 1022-1033. doi 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010.00746.x Cit. 28/67 IF 1.9/3.7

Mulder, C. H., & Cooke, T. J. (2009). Family ties and residential locations. Population, Space and Place, 15(4), 299-304. doi 10.1002/psp.556 Cit. 16/53 IF 1.9/2.2

Boyle, P., Kulu, H., Cooke, T., Gayle, V., & Mulder, C. H. (2008). Moving and union dissolution. Demography, 45(1), 209-222. doi 10.1353/dem.2008.0000 Cit. 46/92 IF 2.8/3.5

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