Alberto Montanari - Curriculum Vitae#
Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management
- Master Degree in Civil and Hydraulic engineering - University of Parma, 1992, Summa cum Laude
- Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering obtained in 1996 by defending a thesis entitled "Stochastic Modelling of Hydrological Variables Affected by Long Term Persistence” (in Italian).
Employment Record
- Head, Department of Civil, Environmental, Chemical and Material Engineering (DICAM) at the University of Bologna (2015-present)
- Coordinator of the Bachelor and Master Degree Programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna (2012-2015)
- Full Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, University of Bologna (2012-present)
- Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, University of Bologna (2001-2012)
- Assistant Professor, University of Bologna (1998-2001)
- Union Service Awards, European Geosciences Union, 2017
- Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2017
- Darcy Medal, European Geosciences Union, 2018
- William Kaula Award, American Geophysical Union, 2018
Leadership (selection)
- Head: Department of Civil, Environmental, Chemical and Material Engineering (DICAM) at the University of Bologna (2015-present)
- President Elect, European Geosciences Union (EGU) (2017-present)
- Member: Centennial Steering Committee, American Geophysical Union (AGU) (2017-present)
- President: Hydrological Sciences Division, EGU (2008-2011)
- President: International Commission on Water Resources Systems, IAHS (2013-2017)
- Chair: Union Awards and Medals Committee, EGU (2009-2015)
- Chair: Task Force for the Scientific Decade 2013-2022, IAHS (2011-2013)
- Chair: Panta Rhei Research Initiative for the scientific decade 2013-2022, IAHS (2013-present)
- Chair: Leonardo Committee of EGU (2011-2017)
- National representative for Italy, IAHS (2011-2015 and 2019-2023)
- Member: International Scientific Committee for Florence flood protection (2014-2017)
Editorial duties
- Editor in Chief (2013-2017): Water Resources Research, AGU
- Associate Editor (2005-2013): Water Resources Research, AGU
- Editor (2004-2013): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, EGU
- Associate Editor (2011-2013): Survey in Geophysics, Springer
- Associate Editor (2010-2013): Hydrological Sciences Journal, IAHS
Conference Organization:
Main organizer of the conference Bologna IAHS 2014 - Evolving Water Resources Systems - Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water - Society Interactions, Bologna, June 2014.
Invited member of international scientific advisory committees of 16 conferences. More than International Conferences and Workshops convened including sessions at AGU and EGU Meetings.
Invited Lectures:
More than 50 invited key note and plenary lectures at international conferences.
Selected keynote and plenary lectures during the past 5 years:
- 2014: “Towards a theory for hydrological change”, invited talk at the EGU General Assembly, April 2014.
- 2014: “Meet the expert in hydrology - How young scientists can contribute to ‘Hydrology in a changing world’”, invited talk at the EGU General Assembly, April 2014.
- 2014: “Panta Rhei – Everything Flows: Change in Hydrology and Society - Towards a theoretical framework for change assessment and attribution in hydrology”, invited talk at the CUAHSI Biennal Meeting, West Virginia, July 2014.
- 2015: “New Data for Deciphering the Human Pressure on River Ecosystems. A Step Forward to Assess Global Water Emergency”, invited talk at the 2015 Gordon Research Conference (USA)
- 2016: "Is climate change modifying precipitation extremes?", invited talk at the EGU General Assembly, April 2016.
- 2017: "Recent breakthroughs and themes in hydrology, from climate to the water-food-energy nexus", invited presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, December 2017.
- 2018: "A Stationary Theory for Modeling Climate Change: Stationarity is Immortal!", invited presentation at the Uppsala University, January 2018.
Supervision of Research staff (PostDocs, current):
Serena Ceola (Eco-hydrology, natural hazards).
Supervision of PhD Students (date of degree between parentheses):
Emanuele Baratti (2014), Elena Montosi (2012), Laura Lombardi (2011), Simone Castiglioni (2010), Alessandro Bigi (2007), Giuliano di Baldassarre (2006), Laura Montanari (2005), Luigia Brandimarte (2005), Greta Moretti (2003).
Research grants:
About 1 million Euro of research funds received in the last 10 years, including a FP7 project financed by the EU (local PI) and several consultancy activity related to environmental management and climate change.
Highlighted papers:
Co-author of 7 highlighted papers published on Hydrological Sciences Journal (2018, 2016, 2016 and 2013), Water Resources Research (2015), Geophysical Research Letters (2014 and 2010).
Peer reviewed journal articles: 125
Peer reviewed, invited book chapters: 5
Monographs and edited special issues and books: 7
H-index (WOS): 38
Total citations (WOS): 4900 (4351 without self citations)
16 papers with more than 100 citations (WOS)

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