
Davod John Mattingly - Selected publications#

Imperialism and post-colonial approaches:

1) Imperialism, Power and Identity Experiencing the Roman Empire. Princeton University Press, 2011. Pp. xxiv and 342. (paperback edition 2013)
2) An Imperial Possession. Britain in the Roman Empire. Penguin History of Britain Series. London (2006). Pp. xvi and 622. (Paperback edition 2007 with minor corrections).
3) (edited). Dialogues in Roman Imperialism. Power, Discourse and Discrepant Experience in the Roman Empire (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Suppl. vol 23), Portsmouth, RI (1997), pp. 200

Saharan Archaeology/Landscape Archaeology:

4) (with C.M. Daniels, J.N. Dore, D. Edwards and J. Hawthorne). The Archaeology of Fazzan. Volume 1 (Synthesis, London, 2003), pp. xxvi and 430; Volume 2, Site Gazetteer, Pottery and Other Survey Finds. London (2007). Pp xxx and 522; Volume 3, Excavations carried out by C.M. Daniels. London, 2010. Pp. xxvi and 574; Volume 4, Survey and Excavations at Old Jarma (Ancient Garama) carried out by C.M. Daniels (1962-69) and the Fazzān Project (1997-2001). London. (2013). Pp. 890. (Principal author and Series Editor).
5) (with GWW Barker, DD Gilbertson and GDB Jones). Farming the Desert The UNESCO Libyan Valleys Archaeological Survey. Volume 1, Synthesis. (principal editor, G Barker), UNESCO, Soc. for Libyan Studies, Paris/London (1996), pp. xx and 404; Volume 2, Gazetteer and Pottery (principal editor, DJ Mattingly), UNESCO, Soc. for Libyan Studies, Paris/London (1996), pp. xxii and 394. Winner of J. Wiseman Book award of AIA.

Roman Mining/Landscape Archaeology:

6) (with G Barker, D Gilbertson et al.) Archaeology and Desertification: the Wadi Faynan Landscape Survey, southern Jordan. Oxbow, CBRL, Oxford (2007).

Roman Urbanism/Ancient Economy:

7) (with N Ben Lazreg, L. Stirling and D. Stone). Leptiminus (Lamta): a Roman port city in Tunisia, Report no. 1. Ann Arbor (1992). Pp. 333; Report no. 2, The East Baths, Cemeteries, Kilns, Venus Mosaic, Site Museum and other studies Portsmouth, RI, JRA Suppl. 40. (2001). Pp. 464; Report no. 3, the Urban Survey. Ann Arbor, JRA Suppl. Pp. 494 + 164 pp gazetteers on CD
8) (edited with J Salmon). Economies beyond Agriculture in the Classical World. (Leicester Nottingham Ancient History Seminar Series, Routledge. (2001 [2000]), pp. xii and 324

Roman Archaeology:

9) Tripolitania. Batsford, London (1995), pp. xxii and 266. Arabic translation published 2009??
10) (with G.D.B. Jones). An Atlas of Roman Britain Blackwell, Oxford and New York (1990) Pp x and 342, plus over 270 maps, figures, plates. (Revised paperback edition 1993; reprinted edition, Oxbow books 2002).

In 2011 I had c.1000 citations listed in Google Scholar and in May 2013 I had c.1400 citations and an h-index of 18 in Harzing's POP index (data obtained via Harzing, A.W. (2009) Publish or Perish, version (2.8.3644), available at http://www.harzing.com/pop.htm).
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