
Bernard Levy- Publications#

  • TEDGUI A, LEVY B. Biologie de la paroi artérielle. Masson, 1994, 96 pages.
  • LEVY BI and TEDGUI A. Biology of the Arterial Wall. Kluwer Academic Press Ed; 1999 (278 pages)
  • LEVY BI, MICHEL JB, SALZMANN JL, AZIZI M, POITEVIN P, SAFAR ME, CAMILLERI JP. Effects of chronic inhibition of converting enzyme on the mechanical and structural properties of arteries in rat renovascular hypertension. Circulation Res, 1988, 63, 227-239.
  • LEVY BI, BENESSIANO J, HENRION D, CAPUTO L, HEYMES C, DURIEZ M, POITEVIN P, SAMUEL JL. Chronic Blockade of AT2 subtype angiotensin II receptors prevents the effect of angiotensin II on the rat vascular structure. J Clin Invest 1996; 98: 418-425.
  • CORMAN B, DURIEZ M, POITEVIN P, HEUDES D, BRUNEVAL P, TEDGUI A, LEVY BI. Aminoguanidine prevents age-related arterial stiffening and cardiac hypertrophy. Proc Nat Acad Science USA 1998; 95: 1301-1306.
  • WOLFFENBUTEL BH, BOULANGER CM, CRINJS FR, HUIJBERTS MS, POITEVIN P, SWENNEN GN, VASAN S, EGAN JJ, ULRICH P, CERAMI A, LEVY BI. Breakers of advanced glycation end products restore large artery properties in experimental diabetes. Proc Nat Acad Science USA 1998; 95: 4630-4634.
  • SILVESTRE JS, MALLAT Z, DURIEZ M, TAMARAT R, BUREAU M, SCHERMAN D, DUVERGER N, BRANELLEC D, TEDGUI A, LEVY BI. Anti-angiogenic effect of IL-10 in ischemia-induced angiogenesis in mice hindlimb. Circ Res 2000;87:448-452.
  • LEVY BI, AMBROSIO G, PRIES AR, STRUYKER BOUDIER HAJ. The microcirculation in hypertension : a new target for treatment. Circulation (current perspective), 2001;104:736-741
  • SILVESTRE JS, MALLAT Z, TAMARAT R, DURIEZ M, TEDGUI A, LEVY BI. Regulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity in ischemic tissue by interleukin-10. Role in ischemia-induced angiogenesis. Circ Res 2001 ;89 :259-264.
  • SILVESTRE JS, BERGAYA S, TAMARAT E, DURIEZ M, BOULANGER CM, LEVY BI. Proangiogenic Effect of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition Is Mediated by the Bradykinin B2 Receptor Pathway Circ Res 2001;89:678-683.
  • TAMARAT R, SILVESTRE JS, HUIJBERTS M, BENESSIANO J, EBRAHIMIAN T, DURIEZ M, WAUTIER MP, WAUTIER JL, LEVY BI. Blockade of advanced glycation end product formation restores ischémia-induced angiogenesis in diabetic mice. Proc Nat Acad Sciences USA 2003;100:8555-8560
  • LEVY BI. Can AT2 angiotensin receptors have deleterious effects in cardiovascular disease? Implication for therapeutic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system. Circulation 2004; 109:8-13

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