Maria Leptin - Curriculum vitae#

EMBO European Molecular Biology Organisation
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
Tel. + 49 6221 889 1 102
Fax. + 49 6221 889 1 202
Institute of Genetics
Universität zu Köln
Zülpicherstr. 47
50674 Köln
Tel: +49-221-470 3401 Fax: +49-221-470 5264
Academic Career
- 1979-1983 Doctoral Thesis with Fritz Melchers at the Basel Institute for Immunology (degree 1983 from the University of Heidelberg)
- 1984-1987 Postdoctoral fellow in Michael Wilcox’ lab at the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
- 1988 Staff Scientist at the MRC LMB, Cambridge
- Jan-Mar 1989 Guest Scientist with Pat O'Farrell, UCSF
- 1989-1994 Research group leader at the Max-Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen
- 1994-present Professor, University of Cologne, Institute of Genetics
- Feb-Apr 2001 Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
- Sep 2004 – Mar 2005 Visiting Scientist, Wellcome Trust Sanger Centre, Hinxton, UK
- 2010 Director, European Molecular Biology Organisation, Heidelberg
Fellowships, Honors
- 1984-1986 EMBO Longterm Research Fellowship
- 1986-1988 Research Fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 1996 elected Member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)
- 1998 elected Member of the Academia Europaea
Service to the Community
Boards and Councils of Academic Societies
- 1996 - 1997 President of the German Society for Developmental Biology
- 2002 - 2007 Member EMBO Committee 'Membership and Publications';
- 2005 – 2007 as Chair.
- 2005 - present Member of the Council of the European Life Sciences Organisation (ELSO)
- 2008 - present Advisory Board, German Genetic Society
- 2009 Elected member of EMBO Council
Advisory Boards, Boards of Trustees, Evaluation Boards
- 1998 EMBO Evaluation Committee for the Hungarian Academy of Science Institutes
- 2003 - 2008 Scientific Advisory Board ZMBH, Heidelberg
- 2005 Evaluation of the Institute for Zoology, University Zürich (Chair)
- 2004 - present Board of Trustees Max-Delbrück-Centrum, Berlin (deputy chair 2007)
- 2004 - present Board of Directors, Christiane-Nüsslein-Volhard Stiftung
- 2006 - present Member of the Board of Trustees, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK
Research Funding Organisations
- 2008 - present Chair, Grant Evaluation Panel LS3 for the European Research Council
- Ad hoc reviewing for NSF, Welcome Trust, MRC, RS, BBSRC, DFG, SNF etc.
Journal Editor
- 1996 - 2001 Member of the Editorial Board of Developmental Biology
- 2001 - present Editorial Board 'Developmental Cell'
- 2002 - present Co-editor of 'Mechanisms of Development' and 'Gene Expression Patterns'
Academic Administration
- 1997 - 1998 Acting Director Institute of Genetics (15 professors and research group leaders, ca. 250 members). 4 professorial recruitments.
- 2005 - 2008 University Senate Committee ‘Strategy and Finances’
- 2008 - 2009 Acting Director Institute of Genetics
- 1995 - present Developed and implemented the concept and programme for graduate training for all biology graduate students in Cologne, including the following steps and funds acquired:
- 1996 - 2005 DFG-funded Graduate College ‘Genetics of Cellular Systems’: main applicant and chair. (60 students over 9 years; 12 faculty; funding ca. 900K Euro)
- 2002 - 2009 Government-funded International Graduate College School: main applicant and chair. (135 students over 9 years; 15 faculty; total funding acquired ca. 7 Mio Euro)
- 2007 Founder and first chair of the Graduate School for Biological Sciences at the University of Cologne (all biology faculty, additional Med. School faculty; total ca. 50 faculty, 360 students).
- 2009 Government- and University- funded International Graduate College School: main applicant and chair. Total funding acquired ca. 5 Mio Euro)