
Wolfgang Lehner - Selected publications#

http://www.dblp.org lists 410 publication entries in total; the most relevant and influential papers are:

1) Lehner, W.; Sattler, K.-U.: Web-Scale Data Management for the Cloud. Springer, 2013 (textbook)

2) Lehner, W.: Database Technology for Data-Warehouse Systeme. dpunkt.verlag, 2003 (textbook in German)

3) Kissinger, T.; Schlegel, B.; Habich, D.; Lehner, W.: QPPT: Query Processing on Prefix Trees. In: Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2013

4) Lehner, W.: Energy-Efficient In-Memory Database Computing. In: Design, Automation, and Text in Europe (DATE), 2013

5) Lee, Ju.; Kown Y.-S.; Färber, F.; Muehle, M.; Lee, C.; Bensberg, C.; Lee, Y.J; Lee, A.H.; Lehner, W.: SAP HANA Distributed In-Memory Database System: Transaction, Session, and Metadata Management. In: Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2013

6) Große, P.; Lehner, W.; Weichert, T.; Färber, F.; Li, W.-S.: Bridging two worlds with RICE. In: The Proceedings of the VLDB (PVLDB) 4(12), 2011

7) Primsch, J.; Bornhövd, C.; Sigg, S.; Lehner, W. : SAP HANA Database: Data Management for modern Business Applications. In: ACM SIGMOD Record 40(4), 2011

8) Gemulla, R.; Lehner, W.; Haas, P.J.: Maintaining Bounded-Size Sample Synopses of Evolving Datasets. In: The VLDB Journal, 2008

9) Larson, P.; Lehner, W.; Zhou, J.; Zabback, P.: Cardinality Estimation Using Sample Views with Quality Assurance. In: Proeedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, 2007

10) Lehner, W.: Modeling large scale OLAP scenarios. In: Advances in Database Technology (EDBT), 1998
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