
Werner Kuich#

Short laudatio by Arto Salomaa#

Profesor Kuich is the leading researcher in the world in the field of algebraic automata theory, based on formal power series. His work has lead to the ARITHMETIZATION of large parts of the theory. Consequently, in many cases unsatisfactory and incomplete arguments have been replaced by good mathematical proofs. This certainly has improved the teaching of theoretical computer science, as apparent also in many textbooks written by Professor Kuich.

Werner Kuich was one of the main researchers (together with Bekic and Lucas) to develop the Vienna Definition Language for specifiying the semantics of programs, 30 years after its introduction under "Formal Mehtods Europe" still a major milestone.

He was probably the first person to apply the notion of entropy to formal languages. His formal power-series approach (following groundbreaking work form Schuetzenberger, France) has changed how formal languages are seen today. The many pages long "handwaving" proof of for instance the equivalence of Push-down automata and context free languages has now turned into a ten line exact proof.

Werner Kuich is an excellent organizer, as was shown when he was Chairman of the Austrian Mathematical Association 1986-1989 or Program Committee Chair and the main organizer of the following major international conferences, all in Vienna: XII Austrian Mathematical Conference, 1989, ICALP 1992, DLT 2001, EU Automata Theory 2010.

As a token of his appreciation by the international scientific community, Professor Kuich was among the nine invited keynote speakers in the festival conference "40 Years of Automata Theory", London, Ontario, 2000.

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