Gundula Kreuzer - Selected Publications#

Zurück zu Verdi: the ‘Verdi Renaissance’ and Musical Culture in the Weimar Republic. In: Studi verdiani 13, 1998, 117-154.

Oper im Kirchengewande? Verdi’s Requiem und the Anxieties of the Young German Empire“. In: Journal of the American Musicological Society 58, 2005, S. 399-449.

Voices from Beyond: Don Carlos and Modern Regie. In: Cambridge Opera Journal 18, 2006, S. 151-79.

Authentizität, Visualisierung, Bewahrung: Das reisende ‘Wagner-Theater’ und die Konservierbarkeit von Inszenierungen. In: Robert Sollich et al. (ed.) Angst vor der Zerstörung. Der Meister Künste zwischen Archiv und Erneuerung. Berlin: Theater der Zeit 2008, S. 139-60.

Verdi and the Germans: From Unification to the Third Reich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010 (= New Perspectives in Music History und Criticism).

Giuseppe Verdi: Chamber Music / Musica strumentale da camera [Critical Edition]]. Chicago/London und Milan: The University of Chicago Press und Ricordi 2010 (= The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, V, 1).

Opera in Transition, co-ed.; Special Volume The Opera Quarterly 27/2-3, 2011.

Wagner-Dampf: Steam in Der Ring des Nibelungen and Operatic Production. In: The Opera Quarterly 27/2-3, 2011, S. 179-218.

Heilige Trias, Stildualismus, Beethoven: Limits of Nineteenth-Century Germanic Music Historiography. In: Nicholas Mathew and Benjamin Walton (ed.) The Invention of Beethoven and Rossini: Historiography, Analysis, Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013, S. 66-95.

Venus als Wagner. In: Clemens Risi et al. (ed.) Tannhäuser - Werkstatt der Gefühle. Freiburg: Rombach 2014, S. 159-76.

Curtain, Gong, Steam: Wagnerian Technologies in 19th-Century Opera. Berkeley, CA: The University of California Press 2018.

Operatic Configurations in the Digital Age. In: The Opera Quarterly 35, 2019, S. 130-134.

Flat Bayreuth: A Genealogy of Opera as Screened. In: Craig Buckley, Rüdiger Campe, and Francesco Casetti (ed.), Screen Genealogies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2019, S. 238-68.

Butterflies on Sweet Land? Reflections on Opera at the Edges of History. In: Representations 154, 2021, S. 69-86.

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