
Gabor Geza Kovacs - Curriculum Vitae#

Education and academic degrees
  • 1994 Medical Doctor Degree at Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary
  • 1998 Degree as specialist in Neurology
  • 2002 PhD in Neuroscience
  • 2003 Degree as specialist in Neuropathology
  • 2010 Habilitation (Venia Docendi) for Neuropathology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • 2011 Associate Professorship at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • 2017 Referent for Forensic Neuropathology

After receiving MD degree, my work has been devoted to neurology and neuropathology. My particular interests are in prion and neurodegenerative diseases. I am working on the Surveillance of human prion diseases since 1994. I visited the CJD Unit in Edinburgh UK several times and received training from James Ironside. Later I joined the group of Herbert Budka in Vienna, Austria to study the pathogenesis of human prion diseases. Later (2007) I visited Bernardino Ghetti in Indianapolis, USA, where I had the opportunity to study a wide spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases with a particular focus on hereditary prion diseases. In addition, it was a pleasure to be involved in the studies of Dr. Ilia Baskakov in Baltimore, USA, on the pathogenesis of prion disease. It was a honor to visit (2016 and 2017) the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA and work together with John Q. Trojanowski and Virginia M. Lee on the characterization of aging-related tau astrogliopathy. My achievements include first descriptions, characterization and pathogenic elucidation of several peculiar types of neurological diseases, like frontotemporal dementia with globular glial inclusions or another one affecting elderly individuals and studies on human prion diseases. I coordinated an international consensus on globular glial tauopathies and ageing-related tau-astrogliopathy. My group participated in the EU Project BrainNet Europe II. I coordinated the FP7 EU Project DEVELAGE on brain ageing and brain development.

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