Emilia Kilpua - Selected Publications#

ISI WoS January 9, 2024: About 200 publications, 6400 citations, h-index 43.

Koskinen, H.E.J, Kilpua, E.K.J. (2022). Physics of Earth’s Radiation Belts; Theory and Observations, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-82167-8.

An open access text-book; Strong impact, more than 34000 accesses, corresponding to 4000 downloads of the entire book.

Kilpua, E.K.J., Good, S., Dresing, N., Vainio, R., Davies, E.E., Forsyth, R.J., Gieseler, J., Lavraud, B., Asvestari, E., Morosan, D.E., Pomoell, J., Price, D.J., Heyner, D., Horbury, T.S., Angelini, V., O’Brien, H., Evans, V., Rodriguez-Pacheco, J. Gómez Herrero, R., Ho, G.C., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.F. (2021). Multi-spacecraft observations of the sheath structure of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection and related energetic ion enhancement, A&A, doi: https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140838.

A paper using the observations from the latest heliospheric fleet of spacecraft showing that small-scale structures in the large-scale solar wind structures can cause ion enhancements. 13 citations.

Kilpua, E.K.J, Good, S., Ala-Lahti, M., Osmane, A., Fontaine, D., Hadid, L., Janvier, M, Yordanova, E. (2021). Statistical analysis of magnetic field fluctuations in CME-driven sheath regions, Frontiers in Space Physics, 7, doi: 10.3389/fspas.2020.610278.

The first comprehensive statistical analysis of magnetic field fluctuation properties considering the whole sheath of coronal mass ejections. 16 citations.

Kilpua, E.K.J., Lugaz, N., Mays, L., Temmer, M. (2019). Forecasting the Structure and Orientation of Earthbound Coronal Mass Ejections, doi:10.1029/2018SW001944, Space Weather.

Invited outlook article summarising the current status of predicting space weather relevant properties of coronal mass ejections, and discussion of future prospects. 54 citations.

Kilpua, E.K.J., Koskinen, H.E.J., Pulkkinen, T.I. (2017). Coronal Mass Ejections in Interplanetary Space, Living Reviews in Solar Physics, doi:10.1007/s41116-017-0009-6.

A highly cited review paper on Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and sheath regions, 231 citations.

Kilpua, E.K.J., Balogh, A., von Steiger, R., Liu, Y. (2017). Geoeffective properties of solar transients and stream interaction regions, Space Science Review, 10.1007/s11214-017-0411-3. 898.

A highly cited review paper on space weather properties of coronal mass ejections. 119 citations.

Kilpua, E.K.J., Lumme, E., Andreeova, K., Isavnin, A., Koskinen, H.E.J. (2015). Properties and drivers of fast interplanetary shocks near the orbit of the Earth (1995-2013), Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 4112, 2015.

An extensive statistical study outlining the key properties of collisionless plasma shocks in interplanetary space. 92 citations.

Kilpua, E.K.J, Hietala, H., Turner, D., Koskinen, H.E.J., Pulkkinen, T.I., Rodriguez, J.V., G.D., Claudepierre, S.G., Spence, H.E. (2015). Unraveling the Drivers of the Storm-Time Radiation Belt Response, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2015GL063542 .

A statistical study making a paradigm shift in studies of radiation belt, demonstrating the importance to take into account the effect from structured solar wind. 80 citations.


Schwenn, R., Dal Lago, A., Huttunen, E.K.J., Gonzalez, W.D. (2005). The association of coronal mass ejections with the effects of their counterparts near the Earth, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 1033.

One of the seminal papers in the field establishing the linkage between coronal mass ejections between remote sensing and in-situ observations. 293 citations.

Huttunen, K.E.J., Koskinen H.E.J. (2004). Importance of post-shock streams and sheath region as drivers of intense magnetospheric storms and high-latitude activity, Annales Geophysicae, 22, 1729.

A paper establishing the importance of sheath regions driven by coronal mass ejections as drives of significant geomagnetic disturbances. 92 citations.

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