Stefan Kiechl#
Membership Number: | 6652 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2023 |
Main Country of Residence: | AUSTRIA |
Homepage(s): | |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-9836-2514 |
Present and Previous Positions
- 1991 Co-PI of the Bruneck Study
- 2000 Venia docendi received from the University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Medicine (Topic: Natural course of carotid atherosclerosis: implications for the prevention of ischemic stroke)
- 2007 PI of the Tyrol Stroke Pathway (together with J. Willeit)
- 2014 2016 Member of the Editorial Board and Guest Editor of Circulation
- 2017 Member of the Editorial Board of Stroke and International Journal of Stroke
- 2019 CSO of the COMET Centre VASCage-C (FFG)
- 2016 2020 President of the Austrian Stroke Society
- 2017 Member of the Collegium Sub Auspiciis
- 2019 present Professor of Clinical Stroke Research
- 10/2019 Professor of Neurology, Director of the Department of Neurology at MUI
- 07/2020 Chair of the Conference Planning Group of WSO for the WSC 2021-2024
Fields of Scholarship
- Ischemic stroke
- Epidemiology and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
- Epidemiology of age-related neurological diseases
- Vascular aging and longevity
Honours and Awards
- 35 publications were awarded a total of 43 national and international prizes, e.g. best manuscript award 2011 from Circulation Research (AHA), ATVB Editorial Board High Citation Award 2016, Karl Hermann Spitzy Award, INTEGRI Award, etc.
- 2000 Otto Kraupp Award for one of the best medical ‘Habilitation’ (venia docendi proceeding) in Austria
- 2013 and 2018 Nominated for the Wittgenstein Award (FWF)
- 2016 Research Excellence Award of the European Stroke Organization ESO
- 2016 The Tyrol Research Award