
Pavel Jungwirth - Selected Publications#

1. Buttersack T., Mason P.E., McMullen R.S., Schewe C., Martínek T., Březina K., Crhan M., Gomez A., Hein D., Wartner G., Seidel R., Ali H., Thurmer S., Maršálek O., Winter B., Bradforth S.E., Jungwirth P.: Photoelectron spectra of alkali metal–ammonia microjets: From blue electrolyte to bronze metal. Science 368 (2020) 1086. IF 4 1.84

2. Kirby B.J., Jungwirth P.: Charge Scaling Manifesto: A Way of Reconciling the Inherently Macroscopic and Microscopic Natures of Molecular Simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (2019) 7531. IF 6.71

3. Buttersack T., Mason P.E., McMullen R.S., Martínek T., Březina K., Hein D., Ali H., Kolbeck C., Schewe C., Malerz S., Winter B., Seidel R., Maršálek O., Jungwirth P., Bradforth S.E.: Valence and Core-Level X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of a Liquid Ammonia Microjet. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (2019) 1838. IF 14.61

4. Allolio C., Magarkar A., Jurkiewiczf P., Baxová K., Javanainen M., Mason P.E., Sachl R., Cebecauer M., Hof M., Horinek D., Heinz V., Rachel R., Zieglerg C.M., Schrofel A., Jungwirth P.: Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides induce membrane multilamellarity and subsequently enter via formation of a fusion pore. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115 (2018) 11923. IF 9.41

5. Vazdar M., Heyda J., Mason P.E., Tesei G., Allolio C., Lund M., Jungwirth P.: Arginine “Magic”: Guanidinium Like-Charge Ion Pairing from Aqueous Salts to Cell Penetrating Peptides. Accounts of Chemical Research 51 (2018) 1455. IF 20.83

6. Tesei G., Vazdar M., Jensen M.R., Cragnell C., Mason P.E., Heyda J., Skepo M., Jungwirth P., Lund M.: Self-Association of a Highly Charged Arginine-Rich Cell-Penetrating Peptide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114 (2017) 11428. IF 9.41

7. Timr S., Pleskot R., Kadlec J., Kohagen M., Magarkar A., Jungwirth P.: Membrane Binding of Recoverin: From Mechanistic Understanding to Biological Functionality. ACS Central Science 3 (2017) 868. IF 12.68

8. Mason P., Buttersack T., Bauerecker S., Jungwirth P.: A Non-Exploding Alkali Metal Drop on Water: From Blue Solvated Electrons to Bursting Molten Hydroxide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (2016) 13019. IF 11.69

9. Mason P., Uhlig F., Vanek V., Buttersack T., Bauerecker S., Jungwirth P.: Coulomb Explosion during the Early Stages of the Reaction of Alkali Metals with Water. Nature Chemistry 7 (2015) 250. IF 27.34

10. Savolainen J., Uhlig F., Ahmed S., Hamm P., Jungwirth P.: Direct Observation of the Collapse of the Delocalized Excess Electron in Water. Nature Chemistry 6 (2014) 697. IF 27.34

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