
Licheng Jiao - Biography#

Prof. Licheng Jiao was born in Baishui, Shaanxi Province in 1959. He received his B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1982. He received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1984 and 1990, respectively. From 1990-1992, he was the Postdoctoral Fellow in the National Key Laboratory for Radar Signal Processing at Xidian University. Sine 1992, he is a full-time professor at Xidian University. From 2002 to 2013, he was the Dean of the Electronic Engineering School of Xidian University. From 2013 to 2018, he was Head of development and planning office of Xidian University. Since 2006, he is the Director of the Key Lab of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry of Education of China. Since 2018, he is the Minister of Computer Science division of Xidian University.

His research interests include machine learning, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, image processing, and pattern recognition. Note that, he ranked first in Google Scholar in computational intelligence. In recent years, he combined the artificial intelligence-related techniques to proposed the learning and optimization theories and the complicated image processing methods. He has published over 1000 papers in significant international journals or conferences. His h-index is 84 (data from Google Scholar). From 2016, he has selected the Most Cited Researchers (Elsevier) for 6 times. He has published over 15 monographs and 20 textbooks. The number of his granted patents is over 300. Due to his academic contributions, now he is an IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) Fellow, China Computer Federation (CCF) Fellow, Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) Fellow, and Chinese Association of Automation (CAA) Fellow.

Currently, he serves as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Subject Editor of IET Electronics Letters, Associate expert of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Electronics (both Chinese and English editions), Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Computers, Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Electronics and Information Technology (both Chinese and English editions), Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Associate Editor of CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems, Associate Editor of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Associate editor of Chinese Journal of Radars, and Associate Editor of Research. In addition, he undertakes the Chairman of IET Xi'an Network, Chairman of Xi'an Chapter of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Chairman of Xi'an Chapter of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, Deputy to the National People's Congress, Member of Scientific and Technological Committee, the Ministry of Education of China, Member of the Subject Consultative Group of the State Council, Member of IEEE Xi'an Section Execution Committee, Chairman of Awards and Recognition Committee, vice board chairperson of Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence, Councilor of Chinese Institute of Electronics, and Committee member of Chinese Committee of Neural Networks.

He has published more than 20 Academic monographs, including "Neural Network System Theory" (1990, Xidian University Press), "Immune Optimization, Learning and Recognition" (2006, Corporate Profile of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.), "Intelligent SAR Image Interpretation" (2008, Beijing: Science Press), "Coevolutionary Computation and Multiagent systems" (2012, WIT Press), "Interpreting Radar Images" (2017, National Defense Industry Press), "Deep Learning for Intelligence Interpretation and Recognition of Remote Sensing Images" (2019, Xidian University Press), "Computation and Recognition" (2020, Elsevier), etc. He has won the National Scientific Book Award 5 times and the first "Three One-hundreds" Excellent Book Award. Most of these monographs have been selected as the textbook by hundreds of universities for undergraduate, Graduate, and doctor education. More than 10 of his students have won the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award and nomination, or the Shaanxi Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award. Some of his students have been the leaders in both academic and industry, such as IEEE Fellows, Cheung Kong Scholars, "973" project chief scientist, Chief Financial Scientist of Jing Dong, Chief Technology Officer of SenseTime, Strategic Expert of Alibaba DAMO Academy, etc.

Prof. Lichen Jiao's homepage
Google Scholar website of Prof. Licheng Jiao

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