
Petros Ioannou - Selected Publications#

Adaptive Control

1. P. A. Ioannou and J. Sun, Robust Adaptive Control, Dover publications 2012 (originally Prentice Hall, 1996).

A widely used textbook for teaching, research and applications. Google Scholar Citations 7,221 (March 16, 2022)

2. P.A. Ioannou and B. Fidan, Adaptive Control Tutorial, SIAM – Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, TJ217.I628, ISBN 0-89871-615-2, 2006.

A textbook used for Master level students accompanied by an adaptive control toolbox software based on Matlab/Simulink. The only adaptive control book with software tool. Citations 966

3. P. Ioannou and P. Kokotovic, ‘Adaptive Control with Reduced Models’, Springer Verlag, 1983. This is one of the first publications that explains the instability phenomena in adaptive control and proposes ways to counteract them. Citations 713

4. M. Polycarpou and P. Ioannou, “A Robust Adaptive Nonlinear Control Design” Automatica, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.423-427, March 1996.

In this paper the robustness techniques for linear systems have been successfully applied to nonlinear control design. Citations 1044.

5. S. Jafari, P. A. Ioannou, and L. Rudd, "Adaptive Feedback Suppression of Unknown Periodic Components of Acoustic Noises with Time-Varying Characteristics," Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 526-538, 2017.

This paper address a very popular problem in suppression of unknown frequency periodic disturbances. For the first time the authors show the effect of noise and how overparametrization can resolve the issue of rejecting disturbances without amplifying noise. The algorithm was independently tested on an actual experimental facility in France and demonstrated to outperformed many others if not all proposed in literature

Intelligent Transportation Systems

6. P. A. Ioannou and C. C. Chien, "Intelligent Cruise Control," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 42, No. 4, Nov. 1993, pp. 657-672.

This is the first paper that showed analytically that stable, smooth automatic vehicle following can be achieved without vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication in contrast to the common belief of the research community at the time. This paper opened the way to design and implement adaptive cruise control systems which rely only the on board forward looking sensor such as radar or Lidar without the complication of V2V communications which is still a research topic. Citations 812

7. Chen, Pengfei, Petros Ioannou, and Maged Dessouky. "Mixed Freight Dynamic Routing Using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021). https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9568773.

This is a new approach which replaces the common practice of using simple mathematical models for control and optimization with simulation models which capture the complexity of the system more accurately. This is particularly important in transportation where no mathematical model can accurately describe the dynamics and interactions of vehicles in traffic. The approach is used to develop the foundations of a centralized coordinated freight routing system

8. H. Jula, A. Chassiakos, and P. Ioannou, “Port dynamic empty container reuse,” Transportation Research – Part E, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 43-60, Jan. 2006

This paper proposes the reuse and exchange of empty containers by neighboring users instead of traveling to a central area such as terminals to pick up or deliver an empty container. IT demonstrated for the Los Angeles/Long Beach area that 40% of the empty container trips can be eliminated, producing considerable savings to users and benefiting the environment. Today a number of shipping and tracking companies adopted the approach. Citations 189

9. A. Abadi, R. Rajabioun, P.Ioannou, "Traffic Flow Prediction for Transportation Networks with Limited Traffic Data," IEEE Transactions on ITS, vo. 16, no. 2, April 2015, pp. 653-663. Citations 303

One of the drawbacks in managing and controlling traffic is the lack of traffic measurements and most of the roadway links are not instrumented. The paper shows how limited traffic data can be used to predict traffic properties with sufficient accuracy to be used for routing and estimating travel times.

10. A.-A. Papadopoulos, I. Kordonis, M.M. Dessouky, and P.A. Ioannou, “Personalized Pareto-improving pricing-and-routing schemes for near-optimum freight routing: An alternative approach to congestion pricing”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 125, p. 103004, 2021.

The paper addresses an innovating approach of centrally coordinated freight routing system whose goal is to optimize the system cost rather than user (truck) cost. Since system optimality does not imply user optimality the coordinator uses a pricing scheme to guarantee that the user cost will always be below its own if acted individually hence the benefit of participation in the central system. The approach attracted the interested of the local freight industry stakeholders and local government as it sets the fundamentals of developing such a system.

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