
Wilfried Imrich - Curriculum Vitae#

Emer. O. Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. Wilfried Imrich
Chair of Applied Mathematics, Department Mathematics and Information Technology
Montanuniversität Leoben, 8700 Leoben, Austria


Born 1941 in Vienna. Married, two children.


1959 - 1964 study of mathematics and physics at University of Vienna. PhD Thesis in Geometry of Numbers.


  • 1965 - 1973 assistant professor at Technical University of Vienna
  • 1973 - 2009 full professor of applied mathematics at MU Leoben, now Professor Emeritus.
  • 1966/67 and 1969 assistant professor at State University of New York at Albany, fall term 1969/70 at Lomonosov University, Moscow, visiting lecturer/researcher in Syracuse (NY, USA), Montreal, Vancouver, Waterloo (Canada), and Melbourne (Australia). Lectures at University and Technical University Graz, University of Maribor, and Technical University of Krakow.


Supervisor of Master’s and Ph.D. theses in engineering and mathematics. More than 110 scientific papers,
three books, more than 600 citations in MathSciNet.

Research interests are graph algorithms, structure of finite and infinite graphs, graph automorphisms, combinatorial group theory. Cooperation with steel and manufacturing companies.

  • 2001 - 2003 Dean of Graduate Studies
  • 1984 - 1995 head of Computer Center at MU Leoben


Organizer or member of the organizing committees of international scientific meetings; member of international professional societies AMS, ICA, SIAM, ÖMG, DMV. Invited speaker in Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Canada,
Poland, France, Israel, USA. On the board of advisors of several Scientific Journals.


Range from applied projects with manufacturing companies as VOEST Alpine and HKM Germany (both steel industry), OMV (oil production), to DIMANET (The European Network on Discrete Mathematics).
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