Anders Holmberg - Curriculum Vitae#
Academic degrees
- 1987 Ph.D. Stockholm University
- 1978 M.A. in General Linguistics, University College London
- 1977 Fil. Kand.[M.A.]], Åbo Akademi (Finland)
Teaching and supervision
- Teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels: Oujda, Stockholm, Uppsala, Umeå, Tromsø, Durham and Newcastle: syntax, phonetics, phonology, semantics, historical linguistics, typology, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, descriptive linguistics
- Supervision of 35 Ph.D. projects; elected ‘Supervisor of the year’ of Newcastle University in 2013 and 2015
Academic boards and organisations
- President of GLOW (Generative Linguists of the Old World) 2001 - 2005
- Editor of Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics (online journal 2012 - 2021)
- Editor of Journal of Uralic Linguistics (to start up in 2022, incorporating FULL)
- Member of the associate editorial board of Linguistic Inquiry, Studia Linguistica, Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, Nordic Journal of Linguistics, SKY Journal of Linguistics
Externally funded projects (since 1989)
1. “Parametrisk syntax” (‘Parametric syntax’), project funded by the Research Council for Arts and Social Sciences (HSFR), Sweden, 1989 - 1990. (about 566,000 SEK)
2. “Nordsvensk syntax” (North Swedish syntax), project funded by the Research Council for Arts and Social Sciences (HSFR), Sweden, 1992 - 1994. (about 1,200,000 SEK)
3. ‘Null subjects and the structure of parametric theory’, project funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), 2002 - 2007, Principal Investigator (298,296 GBP)
4. ‘Structure and Linearization in Disharmonic Word Orders’, project funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), 2007 - 2011, Principal Investigator; collaborative grant with the U. of Cambridge. (244,912 GBP)
5. Leverhulme Major Fellowship 2011-2013 (Leverhulme Trust:

6. Co-investigator on ‘Reconsidering Comparative Syntax (ReCoS)’ (PI Ian Roberts, University of Cambridge), funded by the ERC, 2011 - 2017.