
Frank Hawthorne - Biography#

Frank Hawthorne received a B.Sc. in Geology at Imperial College, London, in 1968, and a Ph.D. in Geology at McMaster University, Hamilton, in 1973. Dr. Hawthorne, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, has received numerous awards for his work, including the principal medals of the Royal Society of Canada (1993), Mineralogical Association of Canada (1999), Mineralogical Society of Great Britain (1995), Mineralogical Society of America (2013), Geological Association of Canada (1996) and the International Mineralogical Association (2010). He was awarded a Canada Research Chair in Crystallography and Mineralogy (2001), made a Companion of the Order of Canada (2018), and awarded the Killam Prize in Natural Sciences (2008). In 2012, he received the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal. Dr. Hawthorne is a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and is the only Canadian member in the Division of Earth Sciences.

He also played a major role in many Scientific Organizations:
  • Mineralogical Association of Canada: President, 1990 - 1992; Member, Pinch Medal and Past-Presidents’ Medal Committees; Chair, Berry Medal and Hawley Medal Committees.
  • Mineralogical Society of America: Councilor, 1988 - 1991; Chair, Kraus Crystallography Award; Member: Nominating Committee for Fellows, Roebling Medal, Research Grant Committee, Award, Publications and Development Committees.
  • Royal Society of Canada: Member, Willet G. Miller Medal Committee, 2007 – 2009; Council Member, Academy of Science, 2004 - 2006; Executive Committee Member, EOAS Division, 2004 - 2006; Fellowship Selection Committee, 2010 - 2012, 2004 - 2005, 1994 - 1997.

He has organized more than 15 Meetings and Conferences. His Editorial Service includes activities in Mineralogical Magazine, Canadian Mineralogist and American Mineralogist. He is an Expert Examiner for The Cultural Properties Directorate of the Federal Government of Canada, 2004 - present, and has sat on many Federal Government Committees

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