Hermann Haken#

Hermann Haken
Sadly, this member passed away.
Membership Number:1048
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:GERMANY

Hermann Haken passed away August 14, 2024.

Positions Held
  • Professor emeritus in Theoretical Physics at the University of Stuttgart
  • Full professor in Theoretical Physics at the University of Stuttgart

Fields of Scholarship
  • Synergetics
  • Group theory
  • Statistical physics
  • Non linear optics
  • Particle physics
  • Laser physics

Honours and Awards
  • 1976 Max Born Medal and Prize by the British Institute of Physics and the German Physical Society
  • 1981 Albert A. Michelson Medal of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia
  • 1986 Great Order of the Federal Republic of Germany with star
  • 1990 Max Planck medal
  • 1992 Honda Prize
  • 1993 Arthur-Burkhardt-Prize
  • 1994 Lorenz-Oken-Medal of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Medical Doctors
  • 2005 Prize for the Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Medicine and Psychology, Danube University Krems
  • 2021 Friede-Gard Award for Sustainable Economics

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