
Zheng-Xiao Guo - Biography#

Xiao is a Chair Professor of Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Science, and Executive Director of Zhejiang Institute of Research and Innovation at the University of Hong Kong, a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and an Honorary Professor at University College London (UCL). He was Professor of Chemistry (2007-18) and a Pro-(Vice) Provost (2008-18) at UCL; a Lecturer (1995-98), Reader (1998-99) and Professor (2000-07) at Queen Mary, University of London; a research fellow at the University of Oxford (1990-95) and of Strathclyde (1988-90), respectively; and was awarded a PhD and an MRes from the University of Manchester in 1988 and 1984, and a BEng in Mat. Sci. form Northeastern University/China in 1983, respectively. His research is strategically targeted at critical fundamental materials structural issues and synthesis processes that underpin mechanistic understanding and technological advancement, particularly in clean energy storage, conversion and harvesting, involving low-dimensional, high-surface area and/or porous structures. He has contributed 300 journal publications and > 300 conf. presentations (> 100 Keynote/Invited). Quality outputs appeared in Nature Energy, Nature Comm., Energy & Env. Sci., Advanced Materials and Ang. Chem. Inter Ed., with H Index = 79 (Google Scholars, 2023). He has supervised 23 postdoc fellows and 52 PhD students, and was awarded the Sir Beilby Medal (2000), jointly by the SCI, the RSC, and the IoM3. He has led/been a partner in research consortia valued over £100m (UK EPSRC, EU, Industry, the Royal Society, HK-RGC and National Science Foundation of China).

He was the “Focal-Point” for UK-China collaborations in Nano & Materials Science (2009-12) / UK BIS and the Foreign Commonwealth Office. He was the UK Lead, a Theme Leader and an Executive Committee member of the EU “Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications” (AMPEA) consortium / EU Energy Research Alliance (2012-18), and a Board (2013-15) and Council Member (2011-16) of the EU University Centre at Peking University. He acted as an Overseas Expert Referees and/or Panel Members to: EU FP /H2020 programmes, Canadian RC, RCUK, NSFC, HK_RGC, Qatar RF, RSC Publishing Board, Bureau of Overseas Chinese of the State Council (2010-) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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