
Jozef Gruska - Curriculum vitae#

Shortly after graduating in 1959, Jozef Gruska, started to compute on analog computers and in 1960 he started to program digital computers. Since that time he has been one of the leading pioneers of computers, informatics and informatization in Czechoslovakia. For his contributions to the field he was awarded "Computer Pioneer Award" in 1996 from the major computing association in the USA, from IEEE Computer Society.

Since 1959 he has also been one of the pioneers of education in computing and informatics. He made an essential contribution to the development of education in informatics at the universities in Bratislava, Minneapolis, Kosice, Brno and also in Hamburg. Moreover, he created the first innovative curricula and also the first programming textbooks (1977-1980) for high schools.

Since 1966, he was a head of a regular weekly research seminar ALA, (Algorithms, Languages and Automata), for 35 years, in Bratislava, out of which several internationally prominent researchers emerged. Since 1997 he has been organizing, for 23 semesters, a regular weekly Informatics colloquies at the Faculty of Informatics in Brno. For his pedagogical and scientific contributions J. Gruska received the medal of the first degree from the Czech Ministry of Education (1998), the bronze medal from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Purkyne University in Brno (1976), the gold medal from the Masaryk University (1997), the silver medals from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (1997) and from the Safarik University in Ko¹ice (2003). Moreover, a gold medal of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Commenius University in Bratislava (2003) and the Bolzano medal for achievements in Mathematical Sciences from Czech Academy of Sciences (2004).

During his career J. Gruska spent considerable amount of time in leading academic institutions in (West) Europe, North America and Asia - Hamburg (4 years), Vienna (3 years), Minneapolis (2 years), Nice (1 year), Tokyo (11 months), Waterloo (Canada - 6 months), Jena (6 months), Karlsruhe (5 months), Lyon (4 months), Paris (4 months), Salerno (4 months),... In total, more than 15 years. he has given more than 280 talks at conferences, workshops, summer schools, colloquies and seminars, in more than 125 institutions in 30 countries. He has given invited talks at the main European conferences in Theoretical computer science as well as at the World Computer Congress (2002, 2006).

Jozef Gruska has published more than 140 scientific papers, books, lecture notes and proceedings. He can be considered one of the founders of research into descriptional complexity and systolic automata. There are more than 850 citations of his papers and books. J. Gruska published three books: "Tables of thin-walled bars", 1965, 140 pages, SAV, Bratislava, co-author A. Mrazik; Foundations of Computing, 1997, 740 pages, USA, Thomson International Computer Press; Quantum Computing, 1999, 430 pages, UK. The Japanese translation of his latest book appeared in 2003. The book has been regularly updated on the web and its updates and additions had 250 pages on the web by December 2003. In 2000 he was invited to publish a paper in a very prestigious book "Mathematics unlimited, 2001 and beyond" of Springer Verlag, 1400 pages, summarizing state and perspectives of mathematics at the end of 20th century. For his scientific and publishing results he received several awards from the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the main prize from the Slovak Literary agency (1998) and twice the main prize of the Rector of Masaryk University (1990, 2000) for exceptional scientific achievements.

He is currently at the Faculty of informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republik (2300 students) . He is the head of the Graduate school (80 students),

Main projects he has been in charge: (1) Parallel and distributed computing (2005-2011) - 40 people (2) Quantum information processing (2000-2008) (3) PhD project in parallel and distributed computing (2005-2012) 10 PhD students and 10 advisors.

Jozef Gruska has been one of the founders of four important series of regular conferences: MFCS (Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 1973), SOFSEM (Software seminar, 1974), LATIN (Latin America Theoretical Informatics, 1992, in South America), AQIS (Asia Quantum Information Science, 2001, Japan). Since 2003 he is chair of the Steering committee of AQIS (held in 2004 and 2005 in Tokyo, 2006 in Beijing, 2007 in Kyoto, 2008 in Seoul, 2009 in Nanjing,...). In addition, he has been one of founders 2 new series of international meetings in Czech Republik: Central European Quantum Information Processing workshop (annually since 2004) and MEMICS (Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science) for PhD students, since 2005.

Jozef Gruska has been a member of program and organizing committees of more than 50 international conferences including the 10-member Program Committee of the World Computer Congress IFIP'89 in San Francisco. In 1998 J. gruska was a co-chair of the PC of MFCS'89, in Brno, so far the largest conference (with workshops) in TCS in Europe.

Jozef Gruska has been also active in the leading international organizations in (theoretical) informatics. He was a founding chair of the IFIP Specialist Group on the Foundations of Computer Science (1989-96) and a founder of IFIP TC1 Technical Committees. He was also a council member of EATCS (European Association of Theoretical Computer Science) (1985-1991).

Jozef Gruska is currently a member of the editorial boards of three international journals in theoretical informatics. He is also a member of the Scientific Board of Masaryk University and of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University. In addition, he has been member of various major committees of Czech GRANT AGENCY and Ministry of education including a Committee for Centres of Excellence.

Jozef Gruska is a member of the Academia Europaea, most prestigious of all-Europa Academies, member of its Steering committee for Informatics Section and since 2008 a member of its Council.

Jozef Gruska has intensive contacts with scientists in quantum information processing in Asia in general and in India in particular. he has visited Japan 14 times, Korea 5 times, China 3 times. In 2005 he attended, as an invited speaker, and helped to set up program for a workshop at IIT Kharagpur, visiting also scientists in Bhubaneswar, Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. In 2006 he gave an invited talk at the workshop at IIT Kanpur and visited also scientists in Delhi. In 2007 he gave an invited talk at the workshop in Kharagpur and visited also scientists in Chandigarh and Delhi. In 2008 he gave 5 talks at School on Quantum Information in Bhubaneswar and an invited talk at the Conference on Quantum Information in Bhubaneswar and visited also scientists in Chennai and Bangalore. Altogether, he gave 24 talks in India.
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