Partial CV#
Erol Gelenbe Fellow IEEE, Fellow ACM, Fellow IFIP, FIET FRSSProfessor in the Institute of Theoretical & Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences (2017-)
Turkish Citizen by birth, French Citizen by naturalisation (1976)#
- BSc.Eng. (High Honours), Middle East Technical University, Ankara
- MSc and PhD thesis on “Stochastic automata with structural restrictions”, New York University Polytechnic Institute (Brooklyn Poly), New York
- Doctorat d’´Etat `es Sciences Mathematiques, with a thesis on “Modelisation de systemes informatiques” Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Jury: Jacques-Louis Lions (Chair), J. Arsac, R. Abrial, A. Bensoussan, A. Tortrat
Languages: Turkish, English, French, Italian.
Election to Academies:#
- Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Belgium (2015)
- Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2013)
- Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2010)
- Member Academy of Sciences of Turkey
- Elected Member of Turkish Academy of Sciences (2007)
, resigned 2011
- Member of French National Academy of Engineering (2008) (Academie des Technologies) http://www.academie−
- Member of Academia Europaea
Erol Gelenbe has mentored and graduated over 95 PhD students to date and is among the Top 25 PhD supervisors worldwide and all time, according to the American Mathematical Society Mathematics Genealogy Project.#
Many of them are prominent in research and industry in Europe, North America, China, etc. (e.g. Francois Baccelli, Brigitte Plateau, Philippe Nain, Alain Jean-Marie, Andreas Stafylopatis, Jean-Michel Fourneau, Catherine Rosenberg, Xiaowen Mang, Rakesh Kushwaha, Zhen Liu, Yutao Feng, Jacques Lenfant, Anoop Ghanwani, Vijay Srinivasan). Three of his former PhD students are members of the national academies of their home countries (Jacques Lenfant, France, Francois Baccelli, France, Catherine Rosenberg, Canada), and four have served in high-level university administration (Jacques Lenfant, President of the University of Rennes, Brigitte Plateau, President of the University of Grenoble, Volkan Atalay, Provost of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Taskin Kocak, Dean of Engineering, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul).He has graduated 32 PhD’s since joining Imperial College of whom six are now senior academics (UK, USA, Cyprus), one is a VP of Goldman Sachs, others are in industry (Australia, China, Germany, Singapore, UK).
Bibliometrics: Google Scholar h=93 (over 25,000 citations), Web of Science h=58 (some 8000 citations)
Editorial Boards: #
- Co-Editor in Chief Springer-Nature Computer Science (since 2019)
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (since 2017)
- Acta Informatica (since 1979)
- Performance Evaluation (since 1980)
- Computational Management Science (since 2010)
- IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing (since 2015)
- Future Internet (since 2016)
- ACM Ubiquity (since 2012)
Advisory Editor: #
- Operations Research
- Annals of Telecommunications
- Telecommunication Systems
Former Editorial Boards: #
- IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering (1982-1993)
- Proceedings of the IEEE (1994-1998)
- Editor-in-Chief, The Computer Journal (2008-2012)
- Editorial Board Member: Proc. Royal Society A (2006-2012)
Previous positions:#
- Dennis Gabor Professor, Imperial College London (2003-2019)
- University Chair Professor, Associate Dean of Engineering, Founding Director of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,University of Central Florida, Orlando, 1998–2003
- Nello L. Teer (endowed Chair) Professor,Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. Head, Duke University, 1993–1998
- Advisor for Science and Technology, French Minister for Universities, 1984–86
- Professor University of Paris-Orsay, then Paris-Descartes, rising to top French rank (class exceptionnelle 2`e´echelon), 1979–2005, on leave of absence 1993–2005
- Professeur Ordinaire (Chair Professor,University of Liege, Belgium, 1974–1979.
- Directeur Scientifique, INRIA, 1972–1981
“Honoris Causa” Doctorates#
- Doctorat en Sciences Honoris Causa, Universit´e Liege, Belgium, 2006.
- Honorary PhD, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 2004.
- Dott. Ingegnere Honoris Causa in Ars Computandi, University of Rome II, 1996.
Scientific Prizes#
- Dennis Gabor Prize (2013), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- Oliver Lodge Medal (2010) Institution of Engineering and Technology, London
- ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award (2008), one of the ACM’s (Association for Computing Machinery) field awards. I am the first non-US citizen to receive this prize.
- Prix France-Telecom (1996), one of the 10 “grand prix” of the French Academy of Science, awarded every two years. I was the first Computer Scientist to receive the award.
- Science Award of the Parlar Foundation (1994), Ankara, Turkey
- 2019 Commandeur de l'Ordre National du Mérite (France)
- 2014 Chevalier dans l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur (France)
- 2007 Grande Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella della Solidariet`a d’Italia (Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy)
- Commendatore all’Ordine del Merito della Repubblica (2005) (Commander of Merit of the Republic of Italy
- Chevalier (1992) and Officier (2001) de l’Ordre National du Mérite
- Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques (2003)
Fellowships and other awards#
- Fellow of ACM “In recognition of outstanding technical and professional achievements in information technology.” (2000)
- Fellow IET, London (2003)
- Fellow IEEE “For leadership in the development of computer system performance evaluation.” (1986)
- Fellow Royal Statistical Society (2018)
- IFIP Fellow (2019)
Other professional society awards: #
- Silver Core Award (1980) of the International Federation of Information Processing Societies
- IEEE Meritorious Service Award (1989)
- IEEE Computer Society Meritorious Service Award (1992)
- Election to Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical EngineeringHonor Society), Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science Honor Society)
Competitive Fellowships:#
- Fulbright Fellow (1966-67)
- NATO Science Fellow (1967-68)
- Gordon McKay Fellow at Harvard (1974)