Cinzia Ferrini#
Full CV 2019
(in Italian)#
- 1) Institution: Università degli Studi di Pisa, Facoltà di Lettere; Università “La Sapienza” Roma, Facoltà di Lettere; MA Philosophy (1981-2). Thesis (laurea magna cum laude) on the Category of Measure in Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 2) Institution: Università “La Sapienza” Roma, Facoltà di Lettere & Magistero; Ph.D. in Philosophy (I ciclo: 1984-88). Ph.D. Dissertation on Logic of Being and Concept of Nature in Hegel’s System
Hegel’s Doctrine of Being and Theory of Modality and Measure; Hegel’s early Philosophy of Nature; Kant’s pre-critical Writings and the mechanical and chemical explanation; Teleology and Organism in critical Philosophy and Idealism (Schelling, Hegel); Models of Rationality: Dialectic and Metamorphosis, Humans vs. Animals (Ancient, Modern: Reimarus, Herder, Kant, Hegel), Observing Reason in Hegel’s Phenomenology; Idea of Life in Hegel’s Encyclopaedia; Kant’s critical Cosmogony and chemical affinity. Legacy of Ancient Thought: Hegel & Sophocles, Hegel & Aristotle, Hegel & Schiller on Greece.COMPETENCE#
Modern (17th-18th); Classical German Philosophy; History of Ideas; Philosophy & History of Science; Modern Legacy of Ancient PhilosophyLANGUAGES#
Italian, English, German, Latin, basic reading competence in FrenchAPPOINTMENTS:#
- 2000- Researcher in the disciplinary sector M-FIL/06 (permanent)
- 2003- Research appointment confirmed
- 2006- Aggregate Professor
- January-May 1989: GRADUATE: “Hegel and Newtonianism”: Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte della Erasmus Universiteit di Rotterdam (NL), joint course with Prof. Dr. M. J. Petry.
- April 1993: MIXED GRADUATE/POSTGRADUATE LEVEL: “Logik und Natur in der Gedankenentwicklung Hegels”: Universität Bern, Institut für Philosophie, joint seminar (April 15th, 21st e 29th 1993) with Prof. Dr. Andreas Graeser).
- 1999-2000 (University of Trieste, as “Researcher”): ADVANCED UNDERGRADUATE: “Kant’s doctrine of the transcendental deduction of the pure concepts of understanding and schematism”. University of Trieste, WS Seminar for the Chair of “History of Philosophy”.
- 2000-2001: UNDERGRADUATE: “Introduction to Hegel’s Science of Logic”. University of Trieste, WS & SS Seminar for the Chair of “History of Philosophy”. Workshop “Hegel’s interpretation of Sophocles’s Antigone” for the Chair of “History of Ancient Thought”.
- 2001-2002: UNDERGRADUATE: “Skepticism and metaphysics from the origin of critical philosophy to Hegel’s idealism”. WS 1 module (20h) 3 credits for the Chair of “History of Philosophy”.
- 2002-2003: GRADUATE: “Meanings of ‘idealism’: between historiography and historical research”. SS course of “Historiography and History of Ideas”: 3 modules (60h), 9 credits
- 2003-2004 (University of Trieste, as “Confirmed Researcher”:
UNDERGRADUATE: “The subjective grounds of objectivity”: WS 1 module (20h), 3 credits for the Chair of “History of Philosophy”
MIXED POSTGRADUATE/DOCTORAL LEVEL: “Subjectivity and Knowledge: hostory and modern development of a problem”. 12 hours Course in History of philosophy for the Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnanti Secondaria Superiore (SSISS)
GRADUATE: SS 2 modules (40h), 6 credits: “Subjectivitity and relation to otherness in classical german philosophy”; course in “Historiography and History of Ideas”
- 2004-2005
MIXED POSTGRADUATE/DOCTORAL LEVEL: “Moments of the relationship between virtue and knowledge in the history of philosophy”. 16 hours Course in History of philosophy for the Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnanti Secondaria Superiore (SSISS)
GRADUATE: SS 2 modules (40h), 6 credits: “The Idea of Nature in XVIII-XIX Century German Philosophy”; course in “Historiography and History of Ideas”.
UNDERGRADUATE: “The modern foundation of the relationship between reason and experience and its contemporary reading”. WS 1 module 20h, 3 credits; course in “History of modern and contemporary philosophy”
MIXED POSTGRADUATE/DOCTORAL LEVEL: “Philosophy and empirical sciences in the history of ancient and modern philosophy”. 16 hours Course in History of philosophy for the Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnanti Secondaria Superiore (SSISS)
GRADUATE: SS 2 modules (40h), 6 credits: “The problem of ‘rational empiricism’. The vicissitude of an idea between XVII and XVIII century”; course in “Historiography and History of Ideas”.
- 2006-2007 (University of Trieste, as “Aggregate Professor”):
UNDERGRADUATE: “The developments of the realtionship among reason, experience and religion in the second modern age”. SS 2 modules (40h), 6 credits; course in “History of modern and contemporary philosophy”
GRADUATE: SS 2 modules (40h), 6 credits: “Space, time and nature from criticism to idealism”; course in “Historiography and History of Ideas”.
UNDERGRADUATE: (for the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia)/ GRADUATE (for the Facoltà di Psicologia): “Innatism, empirism and a priori. Ancient presuppositions and contemporary results of a modern debate”. WS 2 modules (40h), 6 /8 credits; course in “History of modern and contemporary philosophy” GRADUATE: SS 2 modules (40h), 6 credits: “Modernity and paradoxes of an ancient idea: skepticism and anti-skepticism in modern thought from Descartes to Kant”; course in “Historiography and History of Ideas”.
2008-2009: sabbatical year#
INTRODUCTORY UNDERGRADUATE: “Freedom and nature: philosophical models of human sociality”. SS 3 modules (60h), 12 credits; course in “History of Philosophy”
- 1988 -: Hegel Society of America
- 1999-2009: Associazione Italiana Borsisti Humboldt;
- 1999-2002: Società Filosofica Italiana;
- 2002- : Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia
- 2005: Academia Europaea (section: Philosophy).
- 2006-: Società di Studi Kantiani
- 2007: Council of the Academia Europaea (as independent member).
- 2009: Board of Directors della Academia Europaea (as independent member).
- Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung; 1995-
- Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie; 2001-2009.
GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS, externally funded:#
- SEPT. 1985-MAY 1986: Office for International Programs SUNY at Stony Brook. Doctoral students exchange University of Roma- SUNY at Stony Brook. Department of Philosophy della State University of New York a Stony Brook (U.S.A), host: Prof. Mary Rawlinson. Project: Mode and Measure in Hegel’s Logic.
- Sept. 1992-Aug. 1993: Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs & Swiss Government exchange programme. Institut für Philosophie University of Bern; host: Prof. Dr. A. Graeser. Project: Hegel in Bern: sources for his early philosophy of nature in Tschugg’s Library. Renewal: Sept. 1993-Aug. 1994.
- Sept. 1994-Aug. 1995: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Institut für Philosophie della Gesamte Hochschule di Wuppertal host: Prof. Dr. M. Baum. Project: Hegel’s De orbitis planetarum, guide to its editions and translation with running commentary.
- July-August 1996; July-August 1997; Nov. 1st 1998-June1999; July 1st-Sept. 2001; Aug. 1st.-Sept. 2002: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Fachgruppe Philosophie dell’Università di Costanza; host: Prof. Dr. J. Mittelstraß. Projects: Kant’s pre-critical writings. Mechanical and organical models of explanation. Crystals and organisms. The role of chemistry in cosmogony for the critical Kant.
- Sept. 2003: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Hegel-Archiv Bochum, host: Prof. Dr. W. Jaesche. Project: Anti-Kantian motives in Hegel’s Phenomenology.
- March 2005: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Universität Jena, host: Prof. Dr. K. Vieweg. Project: Observing reason in Hegel’s Phenomenology: its scientific and philosophical sources.
- May 2008: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Universität Jena, host: Prof. Dr. K. Vieweg. Project: The idea of Life: from geology to organism in Hegel’s system.
- 1) “University and Research”, biennial meeting of the Associazione Italiana Borsisti della Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Centro Italo-Tedesco Villa Vigoni, Oct. 11st-12th) 2003 (funded by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung); organization in association with A. Venturelli.
- 2) “The Kantian Legacy: new avenues of the Kant-Forschung”, Conference for the bicentennial of Kant’s death. Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici di Napoli, Feb. 12th 2004 (funded by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici di Napoli); organizer and scientific responsable.
- 3) “Itineraries of Criticism”: University of Trieste, Department of Philosophy, April 22nd, 2004. Organizer and scientific responsable.
- 4) Member of the scientific and organizing committee (F.Longato, L. Dabrowski, M.C. Foi, R. Martinelli, R. Rumiati), of the International Congress “Frontiers of Knowledge in the XXIth century. Sciences in dialogue in the new Europe”, University of Trieste, 27-29 June 2007 (funded by: SISSA, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Fondazione CRT Trieste, Assicurazioni Generali, Goethe Institut).
- 5) Chairperson and organizer of Session 3 “The Risks of Intellectual Life: Sciences, Humanities and Society in 18th-20th Century Naples” of the XXI Academia Europaea’s Annual General Meeting: “Risks, Environment and sustainable Development” (Naples, 24-26 Sept. 2009).
- 6) “Nature and anthropology at the origin of ethics: modern developments of an ancient problem”: University of Trieste, Nov. 19/20, 2009). Organizer in association with L. Cova. Chairperson and sceintific responsable of Sessione I. Funded by University of trieste research funds.