György Envedi - Selected bibliography#
Professor Enyedi has authored 18, edited 26 scientific books. He has published over 300 scientific papers.
A few examples:1.Hungary-an economic geography Boulder,Westview, 1976; A varosnovekedes szakaszai (Stages of urban growth)Budapest, Akademiai 1988; Kelet-Kozep-Europa gazdasagi foldrajza (Economic geography of East-Central Europe) Budapest, KJK, 1978; Budapest – a Central European Capital, London, Belhaven, 1992 (with Viktoria Szirmai); Public Participation in Socially Sustainable Urban Development Paris,UNESCO,2004(author). The effect of modern agriculture on rural development. New York, Pergamon,1982; Environmental policies in East and West London, Taylor Graham, 1987 (ed); Social changes and urban resructuring in Central Europe, Budapest, Akademiai 1998 (ed)