
Wolfram Drews - Curriculum Vitae#

Academic examinations and course of studies
  • 2008 Habilitation, University of Cologne (Medieval History; supervisor: Georg Jenal)
  • 2001 Doctoral exam (Dr. phil.), Freie Universität, Berlin (supervisor: Kaspar Elm), grade: summa cum laude
  • 1992 - 1998 Freie Universität Berlin: History, Jewish Studies, Theology; Magister Artium (grade: very good [1,0])
  • 1986 - 1991 Humboldt-Universität, Berlin: English, Spanish, French (grade: with distinction [1,0])

Professional experience abroad
  • 2012 Fellow, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C. (Harvard University)
  • 2000 Examination of Hebrew manuscripts in St. Petersburg (Russian National Library), Rom (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana), Cambridge (University Library), Oxford (Bodleian Library), New York (Jewish Theological Seminary)
  • 1994 - 1995 Hebrew University, Jerusalem
  • 1991 Córdoba University (Spain)

  • 2001 Friedrich-Meinecke-Preis for an outstanding doctoral dissertation in history (first winner)
  • 1994/95 Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
  • 1991 Scholarship of the TEMPUS-Programme of the European Community (Córdoba, Spain)

Academic cooperation
  • since 2015 Project leader in the Special Research Field Cultures of Decision Making, Münster University (German Research Foundation)
  • since 2012 Principal Investigator in the Cluster of Excellence Religions and Politics, Münster University (German Research Foundation)
  • 2009 - 2012 Partner in the project Constantine’s Dream: Belonging, Deviance, and the Problem of Violence in Early Christianity (direction: Kate Cooper, Centre for Late Antiquity, University of Manchester; Economic and Social Research Council, Arts and Humanities Research Council)
  • 2005 - 2011 Partner in the Collaborative Research Field Integration and Disintegration of Cultures in the Middle Ages (German Research Foundation)
  • 2007 - 2014 Leader and scientific coordinator of the research network Forms of monarchical rule before modernity in transcultural perspective (DFG: German Research Foundation)
  • 2066 - 2015 Member of Brackweder Arbeitskreis für Mittelalterforschung (interdisciplinary network of junior scholar in medieval studies)
  • 2005 Co-founder of the network of transcultural history of premodern times

Participation in conferences and workshops abroad

Netherlands (Groningen), Switzerland (Zürich, Basel), Austria (Vienna, Graz), Israel (Tel Aviv), United Kingdom (London, Leeds, Oxford, Manchester), France (Lyons), Spain (Madrid, Estella), Italy (Rome, Villa Vigoni), Poland (Wroclaw, Warsaw), Russia (Moscow), United States (Yale: New Haven)

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