
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz - Biography#

Ghislaine Dehaene Lambertz originally qualified as paediatrician (University of Angers, France, 1988) and has built up a career as a developmental neuropsychologist and cognitive neuroscientist. Her PhD thesis was Cognitive Science was completed in 1995 (University Paris 6, Director Jacques Mehler). After a post-doctoral fellowship in Michael Posner’s lab (1995-99, University of Oregon, USA) she founded an EEG lab to study the neural bases of infant cognition. GDL achieved her habilitation at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Cognitive Science in 2001. She has been a full-time CNRS researcher since 1999. She is currently directing the developmental neuroimaging lab at Neurospin, a brain imaging center which opened in 2007. She directs 2 full-time researchers, 2 research engineers, 4 postdoctoral fellows, 2 PhD students. GDL has received a number of prestigious awards.
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