
Bart De Moor - Biography#

Bart De Moor has a Master Degree in Electrical Engineering (1983) and a PhD in Engineering (1988) from KU Leuven. He was a Visiting Research Associate at Stanford University (1988-1990) at the departments of EE (ISL, Prof. Kailath) and CS (Prof. Golub). He is a full professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering in the research group STADIUS, and a guest professor at the University of Siena (https://www.diism.unisi.it/en).

His research interests are in numerical linear algebra, optimization, algebraic geometry, systems and control theory, data driven AI and machine learning with applications in the process industry and bio-medical big data processing. Currently, he is leading a research group of 20 PhD students and postdocs and 85 PhDs were obtained under his guidance. He has been teaching at several universities in Europe and the US. In November 2010, he received the 5-annual FWO Excellence Award out of the hands of King Albert II of Belgium. Since 2004, he is a Fellow of IEEE and since 2017 a SIAM Fellow. Since 2000 he is member of the Royal Academy of Belgium for Science and Arts. He has been honored by King Filip of Belgium as ‘Commander in the Order of Leopold’.

From 1991-1999 he was the Head of Cabinet and/or Main Advisor on Science and Technology of several ministers of the Belgian Federal Government (Demeester, Martens) and the Flanders Regional Governments (Demeester, Van den Brande). From 2005 - 2007, he was the Head of Cabinet on socio-economic policy of the minister-president of Flanders, Yves Leterme. He is also one of the architects of the Flanders AI Program and Chairman of the Flanders AI Academy.

He co-founded 8 spinoff companies, 7 of which are still active IPCOS, TMLeuven, Trendminer (acquired by Software AG), Cartagenia (acquired by Agilent), Ugentec (acquired in 2022 by Summa Investments), Lindacare, Aspect Analytics, Timeseer.ai. He was or is in the Board of the Flemish Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology, the Study Center for Nuclear Energy, the Flemish Children Science Center Technopolis, the Alamire Foundation, the AstraZeneca Foundation and several other scientific and cultural organizations. In 2016 he founded the Health Tech Experience Center Health House , of which he is the chairman.

As a vice-rector for International Policy (2009 - 2013), he was a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the KU Leuven.

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