Liming Dai#
Membership Number: | 6496 |
Membership type: | FOREIGN |
Affiliated section(s): | PHYSICS & ENGINEERING SCIENCES |
Elected: | 2023 |
Main Country of Residence: | AUSTRALIA |
Homepage(s): | |
ORCID: | 0000-0001-7536-160X |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2022,11 - present Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Carbon Science and Innovation, University of New South Wales, Australia
- 2019,12 - present Scientia Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow, and Director of the Australian Carbon Materials Centre (A-CMC), School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
- 2009,09 - 2019,12 Kent Hale Smith Professor, and Director of the Centre of Advanced Science and Engineering for Carbon (Case4Carbon), Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, USA
- 2004,09 - 2009,09 Wright Brothers Institute Endowed Chair Professor in Nanomaterials, Department of Chemical Engineer, University of Dayton, USA
- 2002,03 - 2004,09 Associate Professor, College of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Akron. USA
- 1992,10 - 2002,03 Principal Research Scientist, Division of Molecular Science, The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
- 1992,06 - 1992,10 Visiting Fellow, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign, USA
- 1990,06 -1992,06 Postdoctoral Researcher, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
- 1986,12 - 1990,06 Ph.D. Student, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Australia
Fields of Scholarship
- Supercapacitors, batteries, photvoltaic cells, light-emitting diodes, transitors, senors, and actuators
- Green chemistry and environmental science
- Physical chemistry, surface and interface sciences
- Carbon nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Materials chemistry
- Biomaterials and bio-nanotechnology
- Energy conversion and storage
- Macromolecular chemistry and polymer science
- Electro-/photo-chemistry and catalysis
Honours and Awards
- Election to National and International Academies:
- 2023 Fellow of Australian Academy of Science
- 2020 Fellow of European Academy of Sciences (FEurASc)
- 2020 Fellow of the (US) National Academy of Inventors (FNAI)
- 2019 Australian Laureate Fellow – the most prestigious research fellowship ever offered in Australia (
- 2011 Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (FAIMBE)
- 2011 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
- National and International Prizes:
- 2019 IUMRS-Somiya Award from The International Union of Materials Research Societies
- 2006 George Noland Research Award from Sigma Xi
- 2006 Outstanding Engineers and Scientists Award, Ohio, USA
- Awards and Professorships:
- 2016 Honorary Professor, National Central University, Taiwan
- 2015 Honorary Professor, Wollongong University, Australia
- 2012 Honorary Professor, Deakin University, Australia
- 2009 World Class University (WCU) Professor, UNIST, South Korea
- Editor:
- 2019 to date Associate editor of International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials (Taylor & Francis)
- 2018 to date Special Editor-in-Chief for Energy Materials of Frontiers in Materials (Frontiers Media S.A.)
- 2011 to date Associate Editor for Nano Energy (Impact Factor: 19.069; Elsevier)