
Sean Cubitt - Publications#

Major publications:

Sean Cubitt, Glory: Genealogies of Digital Light, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2014.
Sean Cubitt and Paul Thomas (eds): Re:live: New Directions in Media Art History, MIT Press, 2013.
Sean Cubitt, Daniel Palmer, Nathaniel Tkacz and Les Walkling (eds), Digital Light, Open Humanities Press, 2013
Sean Cubitt and Stephen Partridge (eds), Rewind: Artists’ Video in Britain 1970s and 1980s, John
Libbey, 2012.
Stephen Rust, Salma Monani and Sean Cubitt (eds), The Ecocinema Reader: Theory and Practice,
Routledge/American Film Institute, 2012.
Sean Cubitt, EcoMedia, Contemporary Cinema series, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2005
Sean Cubitt, The Cinema Effect, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2004.
Sean Cubitt, Simulation and Social Theory, Theory, Culture & Society/Sage, London and New York, 2001.
Sean Cubitt, Digital Aesthetics, Theory, Culture & Society/ Sage, London and New York, 1998.
Sean Cubitt, Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture, Communications and Culture/Macmillan, London, 1993; published simultaneously in New York by St Martin’s Press.
Sean Cubitt, Timeshift: On Video Culture, Comedia/Routledge, London and New York, 1991.

Major Grants:

2011- 13 Rewind Italia: Histories of Italian Video Art, AHRC funded, named consultant with CI Prof Stephen Partridge, University of Dundee.
2011- 13 Reconsidering Australian Media Art History in an International Context, ARC Linkage Grant LP100200442, co-chief investigator with Prof Ross Harley and Oliver Grau, and Drs Anna Munster, Paul Thomas, Michele Barker, and Darren Tofts and partner organisations Donau Universität Krems and the Australian Network for Art and Technology
2011-12 Artists’ Moving Image Network, AHRC Research Network led by Prof Catherine Elwes, Camberwell School of Art, University of the Arts London.
2010-11 Data Landscapes: Toward an art of environmental change, AHRC Researching Environmental Change Network, member of team led by Dr Tom Corby (University of Westminster) with partners in British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge University Ecological
Computing, Arts Catalyst, British Library and ZUPA New Media
2009-14 Large screens and the transnational public sphere, ARC Linkage Grant LP0989302
2009-14, co-chief investigator with Drs Nikos Papastergiadis. Scott McQuire, Audrey Yue, Ross Gibson and partners Dooeun Choi (Arts Centre Nabi, Seoul) and Cecelia Cmielewski (Australia Council for the Arts)
2008-10 Genealogies of Digital Light, ARC Discovery Grant DP087237, co-chief investigator with Dr Daniel Palmer and Dr Les Walkling
2007-9 Public Screens and the transformation of public space, ARC Discovery Grant, 2007-9 cochief investigator with Drs Scott McQuire and Nikos Papastergiadis.
2001-7 Rewind: History of British Video Art, AHRB funded research project with the University of Dundee; lead author and advisory board; http://rewind.ac.uk
2002-6 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Global Audience Study, ESRC 000-22-0323, project with the University of Aberystwyth and international partners; lead researcher for New Zealand and coordinating committee.


Arte y Optica, curated exhibition, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Lima, Peru, in collaboration with Jose-Carlos Mariategui and Alta Tecnologia Andina, 9th May to 18 August 2013.
The World is Everything That Is The Case, Australian Representation at ISEA2011 Istanbul, co-curator with Vince Dziekan and Paul Thomas, 15 September - 7 October 2011; touring to John Curtin gallery, Perth (Australia) March 2012. uncontainable-world-everything-case something to read aloud, animation, 1’34”, 2004; first exhibited at New Media Arts, curated by Maree Mills, Platform Gallery, Hamilton, 17 - 24 August 2004.
Web Poems, 2001- continuing, experiments in hyperpoetry, Grid Pixel Vector, 2002, animation, archived online at http://fineart.ac.uk/artists/97/
The Navigator (http://www.waikato.ac.nz/film/staff/sean/navigator/intro.html) experimental web poem, 2000-2002.
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