
Sonia Cristofaro - Selected Publications#

2019 Taking diachronic evidence seriously: Result-oriented vs. source-oriented explanations of typological universals. In: Karsten Schmidtke-Bode, Natalia Levshina, Susanne Maria Michaelis, Ilja A. Seržant (Eds.) Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, functional motivations and the nature of the evidence. Berlin: Language Science Press, 25-46.

2017 Dependencies and explanations of implicational universals. In: Nick Enfield (Ed.), Dependencies in Language: On the Causal Ontology of Linguistic Systems. Berlin: Language Science Press, 9-24.

2016 Routes to insubordination: A cross-linguistic perspective. In: Nicholas Evans and Honoré Watanabe (Eds.), Insubordination. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 393-422.

2014 Competing motivations models and diachrony: What evidence for what motivations? In: Andrey Malchukov Edith Moravcsik and Brian MacWhinney (Eds.), Competing motivations in grammar and usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 282-298.

2013 The referential hierarchy: Reviewing the evidence in diachronic perspective. In: Dik Bakker and Martin Haspelmath (Eds.), Languages Across Boundaries: Studies in the Memory of Anna Siewierska. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 69-93.

2012. Cognitive explanations, distributional evidence, and diachrony. Studies in Language 36:645-670.

2011 Language universals and linguistic knowledge. In: Jae Jung Song (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 227-249.

2010 Semantic maps and mental representation. Linguistic Discovery 8:35-52.

2009 Grammatical categories and relations: Universality vs. Language-Specificity and Construction-Specificity. Language and Linguistics Compass 31:441-479.

2003 Subordination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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