
Harald Clahsen - Selected publications#

1991 Child Language and Developmental Dysphasia. (English translation of Clahsen 1988). Amsterdam: Benjamins (pp. 350 + ix)

1986: Die Profilanalyse. Ein linguistisches Verfahren für die Sprachdiagnose im Vorschulalter. Berlin: Marhold (pp. 160 + viii).

1982: Spracherwerb in der Kindheit. Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Syntax bei Kleinkindern. Tübingen: Narr (pp. 183).

2011: Children’s processing of reflexives and pronouns in English: Evidence from eye movements during listening. Journal of Memory and Language 65: 12-144; with K. Clackson & C. Felser.

2010: The perfective past tense in Greek adolescents with Down Syndrome. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 24: 870-882; with N. Stathopoulou.

2008: The time-course of morphological constraints: A study of plurals inside derived words. The Mental Lexicon 3: 149-175; with I. Cunnings.

2008: Behavioral methods for investigating morphological and syntactic processing in children. In: I. Sekerina, E. Fernández & H. Clahsen, (eds.), Developmental psycholinguistics: On-line methods in children’s language processing. Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 1-27.

2007: How children process over-regularizations: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Journal of Child Language 34: 601-622; with M. Lueck and A. Hahne.

2006: Grammatical processing in language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics 27: 3-42; with C. Felser. [Keynote article]]

1999: Lexical entries and rules of language: a multi-disciplinary study of German inflection. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22: 991-1013. [Target article]]
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