
Kim Kwang Choo - Biography#

Dr Choo has distinguished himself as a world-renowned researcher and thought leader who has made substantial impact on both academia research and policy-making. For example, he provided expert opinion on policy developments, such as the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Cyber White Paper (2011), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics Draft Conceptual Framework for Cybercrime (2012 and 2013). He was also invited to participate in the 2012 (Australian Government) Coalition Parliamentarians Online Safety Working Group’s roundtable (established to consult with key technology, education and cyber-safety leaders, as well as other interested parties, to further develop its online safety policy in the areas of education, regulation and enforcement). He was an invited witness in a private briefing on "Bitcoin and alternative remittance systems" to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (2014), and an Invited Expert at UNAFEI Criminal Justice Training, at INTERPOL Cyber Research Agenda Workshop, and at Taiwan Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau’s International Symposium on Regional Security and Transnational Crimes in 2015. More recently, he was an external paid expert to two companies on their U.S. Department of Energy SBIR/STTR Phase I proposals in 2020 and 2021, and provided expert insights to inform NATO Allied Command Transformation Innovation Hub’s Warfighting 2040 report in 2020.

He has made significant and lasting contributions to the development of cyber and network threat intelligence. For example, his techniques have revealed previously unpublished vulnerabilities in a number of consumer devices, how these devices can be remotely manipulated, and sensitive data exfiltrated, and proposed fixes adopted by the Australian Government (Medicare app), Cloud Foundry, Huawei, etc. He has also advised organizations and government agencies on cyber security risk mitigation and the design of evidence-based approaches.

Since moving to US in Aug 2016, he has received 3 million USD funding from NASA, National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, CPS Energy, LGS Innovations, MITRE, and Texas National Security Network Excellence Fund. He received 2.88 million AUD during his five years in Australian academia (Lockheed Martin Australia, Australian Government National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Australian Government Cooperative Research Centre for Data to Decision, auDA Foundation, Government of South Australia, BAE Systems, Australian Research Council).

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