
Anne Buttimer - List of Publications#


  • Professor Anne Buttimer (2001) Sustainable landscapes and lifeways. Scale and appropriateness. Cork: Cork University Press.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (1993) Geography and the human spirit. Baltimore, Md.:: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (1988) The wake of Erasmus. Saints, scholars and studia in mediaeval Norden. Lund: Lund University Press.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (1983) Creativity and context. Lund Studies in Human Geography: Sweden.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (1983) The practice of geography. London: Longmans.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (with T. Hägerstrand) (1980) Invitation to dialogue. Department of Geography: University of Lund.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (1974) Values in Geography. Washington, D.C.: Commission on College Geography.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (1971) Society and Milieu in the French Geographic Tradition. Chicago, Illinois, AAG Monograph, No. 6: Rand McNally and Co.
  • Professor Anne Buttimer (with Tom Mels) (2006) By northern lights. On the making of geography in Sweden. London:: Ashgate Press.

Peer Reviewed Journals
  • Buttimer, Anne (2007) 'Torsten Hägerstand (1916-2004)'. 26 :119-157.
  • Anne Buttimer (2006) 'Reflections on geography, religion and belief systems'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 96 (1):197-202.
  • Anne Buttimer (1999) 'Humanism and relevance in Geography'. Scottish Geographical Journal, 115 (2):103-116.
  • Anne Buttimer (1998) 'Landscape and life: Appropriate scales for sustainable development'. Irish Geography, 31 (1):1-33.
  • Anne Buttimer (1998) 'Close to Home: Making sustainability work at the local level'. Environment, 40 (3):12-15.
  • Anne Buttimer (1996) 'Reply to commentaries on Values in Geography in series Classics in Human Geography Re-visited'. Progress in Human Geography, 20 (4):513-519.
  • Anne Buttimer (1994) 'Response to Commentary on "Grasping the dynamism of life-world (1976) in Classics in human geography revisited'. Progress in Human Geography, 18 (4):501-506.
  • Anne Buttimer (1992) 'Review essay on R. Kearney, The Wake of Imagination. (London: Hutchinson, 1988)'. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 9 (3):257-262.
  • Anne Buttimer (1991) 'Beyond optimism and pessimism, praise of blame: Reply to commentaries on "Geography, humanism, and global concern"'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 81 (2):51-51.
  • Anne Buttimer (1990) 'Geography, humanism and global concern'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 80 (1):5-34.
  • Anne Buttimer (1988) 'Specialization in the Structure and Organization of Geography: Commentary on Goodchild/Janelle'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78 (4):91-98.
  • Anne Buttimer (1983) 'Teoria, Ryoanji, and the Place Pompidou'. Geographical Analysis, 15 (1):42-46.
  • Anne Buttimer (1977) 'Reply to Commentary by Edward Relph on "Exploring the dynamism of lifeworld"'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 67 (1):180-183.
  • Anne Buttimer (1976) 'Exploring the dynamics of lifeworld'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 66 (2):277-292.
  • Anne Buttimer (1971) 'Health and welfare: Whose responsibility?'. Antipode, 3 (1):31-45.

Other Journals
  • Anne Buttimer (2004) 'Inimesed peaksid elama maal. (An interview by Hannes Palang for Estonia's leading Nature magazine)' Eesti Loodus :34-37.
  • Anne Buttimer (2004) 'Geography for the third millenium: Inventory and prospect' Perspectiva Geografica 10 :11-21.
  • Anne Buttimer (1998) 'Geografia a Humanizm W Koncu XX Wieku' Kieleckie Studia Geograficzne 6 :5-30.
  • Anne Buttimer (1997) 'Esquisse d'un bilan des recherches francaises en géographie culturelle' Intergeo Bulletin 31 (4) :75-78.
  • Anne Buttimer (1997) 'Les approches culturelles en Géographie. In Centre National de Recherche Scientifique Section 39' Espaces, Territoires, et Sociétés. Les recherches francaises en perspective 39 :85-88.
  • Anne Buttimer (1996) 'Dublino 1995. Impressioni di Alcuni Giovani Italiani Sull'Irlanda e su gli Irlandesi' Annali Italiani del Turismo Internatzionale II (2) :31-43.
  • Anne Buttimer (1996) 'IGU Video Archive/Vidéo-Archives de L'UGI' IGU Bulletin 46 :75-89.
  • Anne Buttimer (1994) 'The current state of geography: national comparisons' Geografiens Innhold og anvendelse. Rapport fra Norske Geografers Forenings jubileumsseminar 1994 5 (6) :13-23.
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