
Christoph Brumann - Selected publications#

2014 (forthcoming) Heritage Agnosticism: A Third Path for the Study of Cultural Heritage. Social Anthropology 22.

2013 Comment le patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco devient immatériel. Gradhiva 18:5-24.

2012 Tradition, Democracy, and the Townscape of Kyoto: Claiming a Right to the Past. London: Routledge.

2012 (ed., with Evelyn Schulz), Urban Spaces in Japan: Cultural and Social Perspectives. London: Routledge.

2011 Unser aller Kulturgut: Eine ethnologische Annäherung an das UNESCO-Welterbe. Sociologus 61:19-44.

2010 (ed., with Rupert Cox), Making Japanese Heritage. (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series.) London: Routledge

2009 Outside the Glass Case: The Social Life of Urban Heritage in Kyoto. American Ethnologist 36:276-299.

2003 "All the Flesh Kindred That Ever I See": A Reconsideration of Family and Kinship in Utopian Communes. Comparative Studies in Society and History 45:395-421.

2001 Religious Consensus and Secular Dissent: Two Alternative Paths to Survival for Utopian Communes. Anthropos 96:87-103.

2000 The Dominance of One and Its Perils: Charismatic Leaders and Branch Structures in Utopian Communes. Journal of Anthropological Research 56:425-451.

1999 Writing for Culture: Why a Successful Concept Should Not Be Discarded. (With CA Comment). Current Anthropology 40, Supplement:1-27.

1998 Die Kunst des Teilens: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu den Überlebensbedingungen kommunitärer Gruppen [The Art of Sharing: A Comparative Study of the Survival Conditions of Utopian Communes]. Hamburg: Lit Verlag.

1998 The Anthropological Study of Globalization: Themes and Issues for the Second Phase. Anthropos 93:495-506.
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