
Zorica Bečanović Nikolić - Selected Publications#

Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, U traganju za Šekspirom. Beograd: Dosije, 2013, 200 p. (Looking for Shakespeare, a book-length introduction to Shakespeare’s life and works, Belgrade 2013, 200 p.)

Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, Šekspir iza ogledala. Sukob interpretacija u recepciji Šekspirovih istorijskih drama u dvadesetom veku, Beograd: Geopoetika 2007. (Shakespeare through the Looking Glass. A Conflict of Interpretations in the Reception of Shakespeare’s History Plays in the Twentieth Century, a critical survey of the Modernist and Postmodernist approaches to Shakespeare’s history plays, Belgrade 2008, 504 p.)

Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, Hermeneutika i poetika, Beograd: Geopoetika 1998. (Hermeneutics and Poetics, a theoretical monograph on Ricoeur’s hermeneutics and theory of narrative, Belgrade 1998, 234p.)

R. Argullol, Z. Bečanović, V. Cirlot, D. de Courcelle, T. Djermanović, C. Hoyos, C. Muguiro, F. Zambon, La construcción estética de Europa, Granada: Comares, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-9045-186-1 (The Aesthetic Construction of Europe, Granada, Spain: Comares 2014)

Marčetić, A, Bečanović-Nikolić, Z, Elez, V, (eds), Komparativna književnost: teorija, tumačenja, perspektive, Beograd, Filološki fakultet UB: 2015. (Encompassing Comparative Literature: Theory, Interpretation, Perspectives, Belgrade 2015)

Dojčinović, B, Vraneš, A, Bečanović-Nikolić, Z, (eds), Knjiženstvo. Teorija i istorija ženske književnosti na srpskom jeziku do 1915. Beograd: Filološki fakultet UB 2015. (Knjiženstvo. Theory and History of Women’s Literature in Serbian until 1915, Belgrade 2015).

Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, „Shakespeare in Serbia“, British-Serbian Relations, from the 18th to the 21st Centuries, ed. by Slobodan G. Markovich, Belgrade: FPN Centre for British Studies. Zepter Book World 2018, 177-192.

Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, “Oneself as another” and “Narrative identity” in Shakespeare and Montaigne, Књижевна историја, XLVII 2015, 157, pp. 145-166.

Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, „Shakespeare Studies, Philosophy and World Literature“ Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 6, Belgrade 2014 : Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. ISSN 1821-3138, pp. 83-103.
Bečanović Nikolić, Zorica, “L'identité narrative dans Vision desde el fondo del mar de Rafael Argullol“, in: Marčetić, A., Grell, I., Dušanić, D., (eds) Penser l'autofiction: perspectives comparatistes, Beograd: Filološki fakultet 2014, 145-154. ISBN 978-86-6153-194-1

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