
Ray Baughman - Selected Publications#

(1.) “Hierarchically buckled sheath-core fibers for superelastic electronics, sensors, and muscles”, Science 349, 400-404 (2015).
Discover Magazine listed this paper as one of the 100 Top Stories of 2015. (Cited 27 times according to Web of Science)

(2.) “Artificial Muscles from Fishing Line and Sewing Thread”, Science 343, 868-872 (2014). The described polymer artificial muscles won the R&D 100 Gold Award for Market Disruptor in 2015. Cited 85 times.

(3.) “Electrically, Chemically, and Photonically Powered Torsional and Tensile Actuation of Hybrid Carbon Nanotube Yarn Muscles”, Science 338, 928-932 (2012). 133 journal citations. An award "For his pioneering work and fundamental scientific contributions in the field of Artificial Muscles based on Conjugated Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes" was presented to Baughman in 2012 by the "European Network on Artificial Muscles" for this work and his earlier work.

(4.) Giant Stroke, Superelastic Carbon Nanotube Aerogel Muscles”, Science 323, 1575-1578 (2009). 244 journal citations.

(5.) "Strong, Transparent, Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Sheets”, Science 309, 1215-1219 (2005). 984 journal citations. This work on CNT sheets was listed 8th in Discover Magazine’s 100 Top Stories of 2005. The NanoVic Prize (Australia) for Outstanding Contribution to Industrial Nanotechnology was awarded in 2006 for the combination of the discoveries in ref. 5 and 6. In the same year, a Nano 50 Award and the CSIRO Metal for Technical Achievement (CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency) were also awarded to Baughman and co-authors for these advances.

(6.) “Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Yarns by Downsizing an Ancient Technology”, Science 306, 1358-1361 (2004). 857 journal citations. For herein described advances, the 2005 "New Materials Innovation Prize" was awarded to Baughman and co-authors in Frankfurt, Germany at the Avantex International Forum for Innovative Textiles.

(7.) “Super Tough Carbon-Nanotube Fibres”, Nature 423, 703 (2003). 981 journal citations.

(8.) “Carbon Nanotubes – The Route Towards Applications”, Science 297, 787-792 (2002). 6,549 journal citations.

(9.) “Carbon Nanotube Actuators”, Science 284, 1340-1344 (1999). 1,704 journal citations.

(10.) "Solid-State Synthesis of Large Polymer Single Crystals", J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. 12, 1511-1535 (1974). 323 journal citations. This publication on diacetylene polymerization is provided because of the presently realized benefit for humankind, especially those in the underdeveloped world, of Baughman's initially conceiving, co-patenting, and successfully leading development of time-temperature indicators based on the solid-state polymerization of diacetylene inks. Over 5 billion of these inexpensive indicators have been saving lives by detecting thermally abused vaccines. Based on the observed rate of detection of thermally abused vaccine using these monitors, the World Health Organization estimated in 2007 that 230 million doses of potentially ineffective vaccines will be detected and about 140,000 lives will be saved in the following ten years because impotent vaccines can be identified and discarded.

The Web of Science indicates that on Feb. 14, 2017 Baughman had an H-index of 82 and 32,577 journal citations for his publications. He also has 80 issued US patents.

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