
Selected Publications#

1) Discovery of negative refraction in van der Waals materials [Science 379, 555 (2023)]].

2) Discovery of ambipolar charge transfer at van der Waals interfaces [Nature Materials 22, 838 (2023)]].

3) Discovery of the polaritonic Fizeau effect [Nature 594, 513 (2021)]].

4) Moire metrology as a probe of moire potentials and energy landscapes [Nature Physics 17, 720 (2021)]].

5) Discovery of Programmable hyperbolic polaritons in van der Waals semiconductors,” [Science 371, 617 (2021)]].

6) Discovery of one-dimensional excitons in strained transition metal dichalcogenide heterojunctions,” [Nature Materials 19, 1068 (2020)]].

7) Discovery of topological conducting nano-channels in Moire superlattices of bilayer graphene [Science 362, 1153 (2018)]].

8) Discovery of ballistic plasmon polaritons in graphene visualized by direct nano-infrared imaging [Nature 557, 530 (2018)]].

9) Implementation of ultra-low loss polaritons in a van der Waals material [Nature Materials 17, 134 (2018)]].

10) Discovery of coexisting 1-st and 2-nd order nano-scale phases in correlated electron oxide [Nature Physics 14, 1056 (2018)]].

Research statistics:

320 publications, h=94, ~4100 citations/year (Google Scholar);

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