Stefano Bartolini - Selected Publications#

1981. Riforma Istituzionale e sistema politico. La Francia Gollista, Bologna, Il Mulino.

1990. Identity, Competition, and Electoral Availability. The Stabilization of the European Electorate, 1885-1985, (with P. Mair) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

1986. Manuale di Scienza Politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, (with M. Cotta, L. Morlino, A. Panebianco et G. Pasquino) (Spanish edition: Manual de ciencia política, Madrid, Alianza Universidad Textos, 1991).

1998. Party and Party Systems. A Bibliographic Guide to the Literature on Parties and Party Systemns in Europe since 1945, (with S. Hug and D. Caramani), London, Sage Publications, 708 pp.

2000. The Class Cleavage. The electoral Mobilisation of the European Left 1880-1980, Cambridge (Mass.), Cambridge University Press.

(French translation 2012 La mobilisation politique de la gauche européenne (1860-1980), Buxelles : Editions de l’Universté de Bruxelles.)

2005. Restructuring Europe. Centre formation, system building and political structuring between the nation state and the EU. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2015 The Role of Parties in Twenty- First Century Politics. Responsive and Responsible, (with L. Bardi and A. H. Trechsel), London: Routledge.

2018. The Political, Colchester, Essex/, Lanham, MD, ECPR Press/Rowan and Littlefield.
(Italian translation Il Politico. Teoria dell’azione politica nucleare, Brescia, Editrice Morcelliana, 2022)

2022. Rule-Making Rules. A framework for political institutions, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

1993. ‘'On Time and Comparative Research’', Journal of Theoretical Politics, 5: 131-167.2013. ‘The Temporal Dynamic of the Franchise extension: Timing, Tempo and Reversals’, Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 11, n° 2: 3-7.(Italian version "Tempo e ricerca comparata", in G. Sartori and L. Morlino (eds.), La comparazione nelle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991, pp. 165-209. Spanish version: ‘’Tiempo e Investigacíon Comparativa’’ in G. sartori and L. Morlino (eds.), La camparacíon en las ciencias sociales, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1994, pp. 105-150)

1998. Exit Options, Boundary Building, Political Structuring. Sketches of a theory of Large-Scale Territorial and Membership ‘Retrenchment/Differentiation versus ‘Expansion/Integration (with reference to the European Union). Florence: EUI Working Papers SPS No. 98/1.

1999. “Collusion, Competition and Democracy Part I“, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 11: 435-470.

2000. “Collusion, Competition and Democracy. Part II“, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 12: 33-65.

2004. Old and New peripheries in the Processes of European Territorial Integration. In Christopher K Ansell and Giuseppe Di Palma eds. Restructuring Territoriality: Europe and the United States Compared.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-44.2006. Mass politics in Brussels: how benign could it be?, in Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften/Journal for Comparative Government and European Policy , 4 : 28-56.

2011.Cleavages: Social and Political, in Badie, Bertrand, Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Leonardo Morlino International Encyclopedia of Political Science, Thousand Oacks: Sage Publications, 276-282.

2013. ‘The Temporal Dynamic of the Franchise extension: Timing, Tempo and Reversals’, Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 11, n° 2: 3-7.2014. ‘Party Adaptation and Change and the Crisis of Democracy’, (with L. Bardi, and, A. Trechsel), Party Politics 20: 151-159.

2014. ‘Responsive and Responsible? The Role of Parties in Twenty- First Century Politics’, (with L. Bardi and A.Trechsel), West European Politics, 37: 235–252.

2022. Cleavages, divides and Voting Theory, Montero J. R. and P. Segatti (eds), Religiosity, Ideology, and Vote in Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
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