
Kersti Börjars - Selected Publications#

Börjars, Kersti, Nigel Vincent & Sam Wolfe To appear. New prepositions in the house. In Sam Wolfe and Christine Meklenborg (eds), Continuity and variation in Germanic and Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 000–000

Börjars, Kersti, Rachel Nordlinger & Louisa Sadler 2019. Lexical-Functional Grammar. An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Börjars, Kersti & Kate Burridge 2001 [2010 (2nd ed), 2019 (3d ed)]] Introducing English Grammar. Oxford/New York: Routledge/Hodder Education.

Börjars, Kersti & Nigel Vincent 2019. Modelling step change: the history of WILL verbs in Germanic. In Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, Willem Hollmann, Emma Moore & Linda van Bergen (eds), Categories, constructions and change in English syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 283–314.

Börjars, Kersti, Pauline Harries & Nigel Vincent 2016. Growing syntax: the development of a DP in North Germanic. Language 92.1:e1-e37.

Börjars, Kersti, Nigel Vincent & George Walkden 2015. On constructing a theory of grammatical change. Transactions of the Philological Society 113.3: 363–82.

Börjars, Kersti & Kate Burridge 2011. From preposition to purposive to infinitival marker: the Pennsylvania German 'fer…zu' construction. In Michael T. Putnam (ed.) Studies on German-language Islands. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 385-411.

Denison, David, Alan Scott & Kersti Börjars 2010. The real distribution of the English “group genitive”. Studies in Language 34:532-564.

Börjars, Kersti & Pauline Harries. 2008. The clitic-affix distinction, historical change, and Scandinavian bound definiteness marking. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 20: 289-350.

Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo & Kersti Börjars. 2006. Markedness in phonology and in syntax: the problem of grounding. Lingua 116:710-756.

Börjars, Kersti 2003. Morphological status and (de)grammaticalisation: the Swedish possessive. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 26:133–163.

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