
Corrado Böhm#

Selected bibliography#

[1] Scomposizioni di un sistema di sostituzioni lineari in un sistema di transfert, Rend. Mat. Pura Appl. (5) 12 (1,2) (1953) 76-78.

[2] Nuovi criteri di esistenza di soluzioni periodiche di una nota equazione differenziale non lineare. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 35 (1954) 343-353.

[3] Calculatrices digitales. Di déchiffrage des formules logico-mathématiques par la machine même dans la conception du programme, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 37 (1954) 1-51.

[4] Sulla programmazione mediante formule, Proc. 4 Sessione Giornate della Scienza, La Ricerca Scietifica 24 (1954) 1008-1014.

[5] Perfezionamento di un processo iterativo atto alla divisione automatica, La Ricerca Scientifica 25 (7) (1955) 2077-2080.

[6] Sulla valutazione automatica della precisione di calcolo, in: Proc. Simposio su L’Automazione del Calcolo e il Progresso dell’Analisi Matematica, SIPS (1956) 121-130.

[7] INTINT programmazione indiretta per calcolatrici elettroniche, Manuali per le Applicazioni Tecniche del Calcolo, Vol. 3, Cremonese, Roma (1958).

[8] Sulla minimizzazione di una funzione del prodotto di enti non commutativi, Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei (classe Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat.) (8) 23 (6) (1958) 386-389.

[9] Sur le circle de rayon minimum ayant distance nulle d’un ensemble de circles coplanaires, in: Proc. Colloque sur des Questions d’Analyse Numérique, INAC-CNR Vol. 540, Roma (1959).

[10] (with L. Calamia) Ricerca di una misura di efficienza negli algoritmi grafici, in: Proc. Convegno Nazionale di Logica, Levrotto e Bella, Torino (1961) 137-151.

[11] (with G. Jacopini) Nuove tecniche di programmazione semplificanti la costruzione di macchine universali di Turing, Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei (classe Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat.) (8) 32 (1962).

[12] Macchine a indirizzi, dotate di un numero minimo di istruzioni, Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei (classe Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat.) (1962).

[13] (with A. Santolini) A quasi-decision algorithm for the equivalence of two matrices, Internat. Comput. Center Bull. (3) 1 1964.

[14] On a family of Turing machines and related programming language, Internat. Comput. Center Bull. (3) 3 1964.

[15] (with W. Gross) Introduction to the CUCH, in: E.R. Caianiello, ed., Automata Theory (Academic Press, London 1966) 35-65.

[16] (with G. Jacopini) Flow diagrams, Turing machines and languages with only two formation rules, Comm. ACM (9) 5 (1966) 366-371.

[17] The CUCH as a formal and description language, in: T.B.Steel, Jr., ed., Formal Languages Description Languages for Computer Programming (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1966) 179-197.

[18] Basi Matematiche della programmazione, Calcolo (2) 2 (1965) 1-17.

[19] (with G. Ausiello) Applicazioni del linguaggio CUCH alla programmazione di macchine analogiche sequenziali, in: Proc. IX Convegno-Mostra dell’Automazione e Strumentazione, Fast, Milano (1966) 329-358.

[20] A self-instructional approach to computer language, INAC (8) 670 (1966).

[21] (with H. Moncayo Lopez and G. Ausiello) Costruzione di un interprete CINAC per il linguaggio LISP (ROMALISP I), INAC (10) 695 (1967) 49-73.

[22] Alcune proprietà delle forme normali nel calcolo, INAC 696 (1968).

[23] A three-tape, three-state, three-symbol universal Turing machine, INAC 698 (1968).

[24] (with S. Ronchi Della Rocca) Numbering methods of finite sets and multisets through trees, in: Proc. ACM Internat. Comp. Symp., Venice (1972).

[25] Strutture informative e loro trasformazioni, in: Proc. III Seminario sul Trattamento Automatico delle Informazioni, Firenze (1972).

[26] (with M. Dezani) A CUCH-machine: the automatic treatment of bound variables, Internat. J. Comput. Inform. Sci. (1) 2 (1972) 171-191.

[27] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Can syntax be ignored during translation?, in: M. Nivat, ed., Automata, Languages and Programming (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1972) 197-207.

[28] (with M. Dezani) Notes on “A CUCH-machine: the automatic treatment of bound variables”, Internat. J. Comput. Inform. Sci. (2) 2 (1973) 157-160.

[29] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Listing the functional digraph structures, in: A. Günther, B. Levrat and H. Lipps, eds., Proc. Internat. Comp. Symp. (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1973) 33-39.

[30] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Data structures and their transformations, Control Cybernet. (3) 3/4 (1974) 5-19.

[31] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini and S. Ronchi Della Rocca) Questionario per strutture informative, in: Proc. Convegno di Informatica Teorica, Ed. Tec. Sci., Pisa (1974) 153-174.

[32] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) A data structure formalization through generating functions, Calcolo 1 (1974) 47-66.

[33] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini and S. Ronchi Della Rocca) Listing of information structures defined by fixed-point operators, in: B. Robinet, ed., Proc. Colloque sur la Programmation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 19 (Springer, Berlin, 1974) 266-279.

[34] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Combinatorial problems, combinator equations and normal forms, in: J. Loeckx, ed., Proc. II Coll. Automata, Languages and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 19 (Springer, Berlin, 1974) 185-199.

[35] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) To what extent can or must computations be parallelized, in: E.R. Caianiello, ed., New Concepts and Technologies in Parallel Information Processing (Noordhoff, Leyden, 1975) 137-154.

[36] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) terms as total or partial functions on normal forms, in: C. Böhm, ed., Proc. Lambda-Calculus and Computer Science Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 37 (Springer, Berlin, 1975) 96-121.

[37] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) terms as total or partial functions on normal forms, in: C. Böhm, ed., Proc. Lambda-Calculus and Computer Science Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 37 (Springer, Berlin, 1975) 96-121.

[38] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Attribute Semantics, Some uses of generating functions in theoretical computer science. Riv. Inform. (7) 1 (1977) 85-94, 95-107.

[39] (with M. Coppo and M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Termination test inside -calculus, in: A. Salomaa and M. Steinby, eds., Proc. IV Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 52 (Springer, Berlin, 1977) 95-110.

[40] (with G. Sontacchi) On the existence of cycles of given length in integer sequences like xn+1=xn/2 if xn even, and xn+1=3xn+1 otherwise, Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei (classe Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat.) (64) 3 (6) (1978) 260-264.

[41] Un modèle arithmétique des termes de la logique combinatoire, in: B. Robinet, ed., Proc. Sixième Ecole de Printemps d’Informatique Theorique – Lambda Calcul et Semantique Formelle des Langages de Programmation, LITP and ENSTA (1979)97-108.

[42] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini, P. Peretti and S. Ronchi Della Rocca) A discrimination Algorithm inside --calculus, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 8 (1979) 271-291.

[43] Logic and Computers – combinatory logic as extension of elementary number theory, in: E. Agazzi, ed., Modern Logic – A Survey (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1980) 297-309.

[44] (with A. Machì and G. Sontacchi) Complexity bounds for equivalences and isomorphism of Latin squares, Inform. Process. Lett. 10 (4,5) (1980) 231-233.

[45] An abstract approach to (hereditary) finite sequences of combinator, in: J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley, eds., To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism (Academic Press, London, 1980) 231-242.

[46] (with S. Micali) Minimal forms in lambda-calculus computations, Symbolic logic 45 (1) (1980) 165-171.

[47] (with G. Sontacchi) Riduzioni ed equivalenze di giochi di tipo Nim, in: Proc. Convegno Nazionale sui Giochi Creativi, Siena (1981) 160-166.

[48] Combinatory foundation of functional programming, in: Proc. ACM Symp. On LISP and Functional Programming, Pittsburgh (1982) 29-36.

[49] Vers l’exploitation du parallelisme en programmation fonctionelle (abstract), in: Proc. 5me rencontre RCP Algorithmique, Limoges (1982).

[50] (with D. Kozen) Eliminating recursion over acyclic data structures in functional programs (abstract), in: Proc. 4th Internat. Workshop on the Semantics of Programming Languages, EATCS Bull. 20 (1983) 205.

[51] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Combinatory logic as monoids (extended abstract) in: Proc. Atti del Congresso Logica e Filosofia della Scienza, CLUEB, Bologna (1986) 169-178.

[52] (with A. Berarducci) Automatic synthesis of typed lambda-programs on term algebras, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 39 (1985) 135-154.

[53] Reducing recursion to iteration by algebraic extension, in: B. Robinet and R. Wilhelm, eds., Proc. ESOP 86 – European Symp. On Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 213 (Springer, Berlin, 1986) 111-118.

[54] Sviluppo di una teoria uniforme per la programmazione di funzioni totali ricorsive su algebre, in: R. Ferro and A. Zanardo, eds., Proc. Logica ed Informatica: da Incidenti di Confine ad un’Alleanza di Interesse, CLEUP, Padova (1987) 349-357.

[55] (with E. Tronci) X-separability and left-invertibility in -calculus (extended abstract), in: Proc. Temi e Prospettive della Logica e della Filosofia della Scienza Contemporanea, CLUEB (1), Bologna (XXXX) 23-28.

[56] (with E. Tronci) X-separability and left-invertibility in -calculus, in: Proc. Symp. on Logic and Computer Science (IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1987) 320-328.

[57] Reducing recursion to iteration by means of pairs and N-tuples (invited lecture), in: M. Boscarol, L. Carlucci Aiello and G. Levi, eds., Proc. Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 306 (Springer, Berlin, 1988) 58-66.

[58] (with A. Piperno) Characterizing X-separability and one-side invertibility in ---calculus in: Proc. Symp. on Logic and Computer Science (IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1988) 91-101.

[59] Functional programming and combinatory algebras (invited lecture), in: M.P. Chytil, L. Janiga and V. Koubek, eds., Pric. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 324 (Springer, Berlin, 1988) 14-26.

[60] (with A. Piperno) Surjectivity for finite sets of combinators by weak reduction, in: E. Börger, H. Kleine Bühning and M.M. Richter, eds., Proc. 1st Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 326 (Springer, Berlin, 1988) 27-43.

[61] (with A. Piperno and E. Tronci) Solving equations in -calculus, in: A. Ferro, C. Bonotto, S. Valentini and A. Zanardo eds., Proc. Logic Coll. ’88 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989) 139-160.

[62] Subduing self-application (invited paper), in G. Ausiello, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini and S. Ronchi Della Rocca, eds., Proc. 16th Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Springer, Berlin, 1989) 108-122.

[63] (with M. Dezani-Ciancaglini) Combinatory logic as monoids, Fund. Inform. 12 (1989) 525-540.

[64] (with E. Tronci) About systems of equations, X-separability and left-invertibility in the -calculus, Inform. And Comput. 90 (1990) 1-31.

[65] (with B. Intrigila) Multisets and polynomials: an algebraic approach to functional programming, Rend. Mat. (7) 10 (1990) 867-898.

[66] (with A. Berarducci) A self-interpreter of -calculus having normal form (invited lecture), in: Proc. Computer Science Logic 92, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Springer, Berlin, 1992), 85-99.

[67] (with A. Piperno and S. Guerrini) Lambda-Definition of Function(al)s by Normal Forms, in: Proc. ESOP 94, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Springer, Berlin, 1994), 135-149.

[68] (with B. Intrigila) The Ant-Lion Paradigm for Strong Normalization, Inform. And Comput. 114 (1994) 30-49.

[69] Theoretical Computer Science and Software Science: The Past, the Present and the Future (Position Paper). in: Proc. TAPSOFT 97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Springer, Berlin, 1997), 3-5.

[70] Fixed Point Equations Inside the Algebra of Normal Forms. Fundam. Inform. 37(4) (1999) 329-342.

[71] (with A. Berarducci) General Recursion on Second Order Term Algebras, in: Proc. RTA 01, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Springer, Berlin, 2001), 15-30.

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