
Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky - Selected Publications#


The Translation Chapter of the Late Ming Lulongsai Lüe (盧龍塞略): Bilingual Sections of a Chinese Military Collection. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV., The Netherlands 2016.

Kínai nyelv [Chinese language]]. Chinese language textbook, teachers' edition (LITE language school). Budapest, 2011.

Yiyu 譯語 (Beilu yiyu 北虜譯語). An indexed critical edition of a 16th century Sino-Mongolian glossary. Global Oriental Publishers, Folkestone, Kent, United Kingdom 2009. 240 pp.

Edited Books and Journals

International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics. (ISSN 2589-8833) BRILL. Member of the editorial board

Ideas behind symbols – languages behind scripts. Proceedings of the 60th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) August 27 – September 1, 2017 Székesfehérvár. In: Studia Uralo-Altaica, 2019

Philology of the Grasslands. Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky and Christopher P. Atwood (szerk.). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV., The Netherlands 2018. 368 pp.

Chapters in Books

Dialectal Traces in Beilu yiyu. In: The early Mongols: language, culture and history; Studies in honor of Igor de Rachewiltz on the occasion of his 80. birthday. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic series/173, pp. 9-20, 2009.

关于蒙古语之主语标记的问题 [On the question of the subject markers of Mongolian]], Wu Xinying 吴新英 and Chen Ganglong 陈岗龙 (ed.): 面向新世纪的蒙古学回顾与展望. Minzu publishing house, Beijing, 2005. pp. 322-343.

Articles in Academic Journals

Early Mandarin profanity and its Middle Mongolian reflection in the vocabulary of the Wu Bei Zhi 武備志. In: ROCZNIK ORIENTALISTYCZNY (ISSN: 0080-3545) 70: (2) pp. 1-24 (2019).

Recent developments on the decipherment of the Khitan small script. In: ACTA ORIENTALIA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE (issn: 0001-6446) (eissn: 1588-2667) 70: (2) paper doi: 10.1556/062.2017.70.2.1. 25 p. (2017) (co-authored with Béla Kempf).

The Late Ming Chinese Lulongsai lüe (盧龍塞略) and the Peculiarities of the Reconstruction of Its “Translation” Chapter. In: ROCZNIK ORIENTALISTYCZNY (ISSN: 0080-3545) 68: (2) pp. 24-34. 2015.

Yiyu (Beilu yiyu 北虜譯語): A Middle Mongolian glossary of the Dengtan Bijiu (登墰必究). In: Mongolica. Vol. 14 (35). pp. 368-374. Ulaanbaatar, 2004

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