
José María Fernández-Palacios - Biography#

Researcher ID: H-2054-2015
Orcid Code: 0000-0001-9741-6878
Scopus author ID: 6603739965

Prof. José María Fernández-Palacios (born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain) is an internationally recognised researcher on island ecology and biogeography as evidenced by his numerous books (13) on these topics and publications in peer-reviewed impact journals (140) (Scopus h-index: 34 and 3874 citations) (mean of 27.7 citations per paper) (Google Scholar h index: 43 and 8950 citations); First quartile (Q1) papers: 55% (JCR, Thomson); including the co-authored book Island Biogeography (2nd Ed.) (2714 citations sensu Google scholar), a well-known reference in the field that has placed Macaronesian archipelagos on a top position on the international scientific scene. Some 100 outreach papers more should be added to this total.

He has 38 (1983-2021) years of professional career and is professor of Ecology at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands), and leader of the ULL Island Ecology and Biogeography Group, a research group counting nowadays with five postdoc and several predoc researchers. The main research lines of the gruop include Island Biogeography, laurel and pine forest Dynamics, PalaeoEcology and Ecological Restoration.

Through national and international competitive research projects he has been awarded near €1.2m in the last 10 years. He has long experience as a supervisor of PhD Thesis (12), undergraduate and master (>50) students, as well as receiving postdoctoral researchers. He is deeply involved in science-based conservation and restoration of ecosystems, as shown by his role leading restoration projects, including restoration through the LIFE programme and his participation in other LIFE projects advisory boards.

His teaching in La Laguna University is shared between the degree of Biology (subject: Ecology), the degree of Environmental Sciences (subject: Ecological restoration) and the MSc of Terrestrial Biodiversity and Conservation on Islands (subject: Island Biogeography and Ecology). He also teaches the modules “Biodiversity and Evolution on Islands” and “Impact of climate change on islands” and “Conservation in action” (Jersey International Centre of Advances Studies MSc of Island Biodiversity and Conservation, run by Exeter University) and act as local expert and teacher or many European Universities Bachelor and MSc degree courses (Oxford, Cambridge, Northumbria, Gottingen Bayreuth, Frankfurt, etc.) that visited the Canaries along the year.

As part of his dedication to biodiversity conservation and ecology he has strong relations with Canary Island biodiversity and environmental governmental institutions, representing La Laguna University in several commissions (Anaga Rural Park Management Board, Tenerife Network of Natural Protected Areas, Gran Canaria Network of Natural Protected Areas, Anaga Biosphere Reserve, La Gomera Biosphere Reserve, Canarian Climate Change Observatory, etc.). He is also a renowned voice on Canarian media (magazines, newspapers, TV news and radio) for his work in popularizing science.

In the last 10 years Prof. Fernández-Palacios has been PI on several competitive research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (3), Spanish Ministry of Environment (1), Canarian Research Agency (4), LIFE programme (1) and ERC (1), and has been partner in the Tri-continental Atlantic Campus, Regional Campus of International Excellence (Spanish Ministry of Science) and EU-funded projects, NETBIOME (1).

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