
Torben Magnus Andersen - Selected publications#

Fiscal sustainability and demographics – Should we save or work more? Journal of Macroeconomics, 2012 34, 264-80.

Globalization, Tax Distortions, and Public-Sector Retrenchment, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2012, 114(2), 409-39, joint with Allan Sørensen

On myopia as a rational for social security - joint with Joydeep Bhattacharya - Economic Theory, 2011, 47, 135-158.

Globalisation squeezes the public sector - is it so obvious? Joint with Allan Sørensen, International Tax and Public Finance, 201118,369-382.

State dependent unemployment benefits - joint with Michael Svarer, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.2011, 78(2), 325-344.

The Scandinavian Model - Prospects and Challenges, International Tax and Public Finance, Special Issue, 2008, 15:45-66.

Flexicurity -Labour Market Performance in Denmark, In CESifo Economic Studies, 53 (3), 389-429 (joint with Michael Svarer)

Increasing longevity and social security reforms - a legislative procedure approach, Journal of Public Economics,2008, 92, 633-646.

The Nordic Model - Embracing Globalization and Sharing Risks, 2007, joint with B. Holmström, S. Honkapohja, S. Korkman and J. Vartiainen.

Alternatives for welfare policy – coping with internationalisation and demographic change (edited jointly with Per Molander), Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1 Introduction (jointly with Per Molander). Chapter 2 International integration and the welfare state. Chapter 15 Policy options for reforming the welfare state (jointly with Per Molander).
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